Apr 01, 2004 21:08
Hmm.. so pretty boring day. Best part of it has to be when Rachel starts spazing out and hyperventalating in math class. I jsut look over at her and see her fanning herself with her hand and breathing really fast. I was like what the hell is she... dying? Then after her 5 minute specticle she says "::breah breath::Wow ::breath:: those listerine strips are really strong :: breaths and fans self off::." Wow... what a retard.
I feel liek everyone is pissed off at me because I don't spend alot of time with them anymore. I'm pissed off too because i miss them all liek whoa but I've been so so busy all the time it's rediculous. I'm sorry you guys I really am. I always want to chillax but it seems that I always have track or I've already made other plans. But don't worry in 3 weekends it's going to be didicated to my friends. I swear to God. Yea, I'm sorry guys you know I love you.