Velkommen Tilbage til Danmark

Jul 03, 2008 18:09


Now I live here.....

Strange. But very very pleasant. Nice neighbours, nice surroundings and a large, reasonably priced flat.

As always I have been trying to get by with the lingo with general success, as we've met up with lots of people over the last 2 days we've been living here. Everyone who we've met (inclusing our new neighbours) have been really nice and helpful. In some cases, overwhelmingly.

The weather has also been hot and sunny, but not as oppressive as that in England's polluted capital. With clear skies above, it shows no sign of stopping. May the sun shine my way to metally goodness at WOA08 (fat chance ;-))

The flat is, as I said, large. We have a nice new-ish kitchen which has all effects unpacked, ditto bathroom. We have three rooms to use as we see fit, which are being used as an office, dining room and TV room. We also have a seperate bedroom for which we have a new bed and is nearing completion.

Lots of immigration things to do, so that I can start looking for a job, as well as getting telephone/internet sorted.

But two days have now passed and all is well. I am glad to see the back of the housing situation (in a respect, it is far from over) and things are going swimmingly here.
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