Apr 14, 2005 23:06
it's only 11:07, and im tired as hell.
I don't want to go to bed early.
But, I might.
I'm sorry for sounding mad:( I wasn't, I promise. <33
*watches a piece of lint float through the air infront of him*
whoa, that caught my attention easily.
very few things in this world can make me happy..but you, qi shu, are one of them. derek says "i love you"<3 (you have no idea how long it took me to think of something to say with those letters, in order, to be bolded.)
others are ice cream, being lazy, and eating ice cream while being lazy.
i'm trying to make this entry long like the last one, but lazyness is taking over.
i need $$.. for a tux, for a wedding present or something of the sort, for obscure, for vehicular issues, and for us to do things.
ugh, im thirsty, i dont want to move though.
*yawns again*
holy pop tarts are fattening...
ok ok, im going to bed.. i guess.. 11:23.. nightt all.