Mar 12, 2004 23:08
its finally time i update my journal. the last time i updated seems like it was yesterday. well today was cool i guess, i just went to work but it was fun. every time we get new workers, we try to convince one of them to "refill" the water fountain.and im proud to say that i successfully achieved that tonite. there was this litte nerdy geeky guy and i told him to put ice in the water fountain cuz sometimes the motor gets hot and dry, so he actually went and got a bucket of ice and put it in the fountain. and there was about 15 other workers standing at the end of the hall way laughing including two of the managers. damn it was funny. then i came home in my g-pa's van cuz my poor wagon is broken. my car wouldnt start on friday and it was three in the morning. today i also packed some clothes cuz im going to be flying to arizona to see my mom and my brother. damn, i ran into my dad at work in the restroom (cuz i had to clean it) and he walked right by me and even looked at me and he still didnt recognize me. then i said hi and it still took him a while before he realized it was me. thats pretty sad but oh well, he gave me 30 dollars. well im pretty exited about going to arizona. the last time i saw my brother was christmas. well, its about damn time i update!!!! --erick