Symbiosis - Non-evil season 4 Spaith?

Dec 01, 2005 01:32

It's about symbiosis...

Because I want things to go better for Faith, I'm wondering if there is anyway Spike and Faith could hook up in season 4 and not be eeevil together. Because she is so the girl for him. It would, of course, be very smutty. Because they are physical people.

It could work if Spike was visiting Joyce when Faith gets there, before too much bad happens. And for Faith to get the slayer dreams which are hard to ignore. Also, Faith's subconscious worked thru a lot of her issues while in a coma and she's over a lot of her rage and jealousy about the lousy life she led. Perhaps the coma was induced by the PTBs for that purpose and she was awakened when she was ready. Would have been darn nice of them.

Note: This will occur much earlier in the year to give Faith time to get it together before coming to the Scoobies rescue in the fight against Adam. Before Christmas, just before school lets out. Pangs was Thanksgiving. Then Something Blue, Hush, Doomed. That's all that happens before Spike Moves out. Those could happen in a few weeks. Then Faith comes along few days after Spike got his own crypt and started fixing it up.

For Spike, events leading up to meeting up with Faith would be about the same as my Spike's season IV, with the somewhat less animosity and more commeraderie between Scoobies and Spike. Somewhat being the keyword. But anyway, he didn't spend all his time tied up. He went out a bit, on his own or dragged out by Xander to buy the beer. Or to drive the scoobies somewhere. Doomed wasn't the first 'mission' he participated in. And he was more helpful in Doomed. No Riley and violation of laws of gravity required. I think he got away from them after Something Blue. Didn't come back for a few. And he attempted to pursue the relationship with Buffy, but she rejected him.

So, Spike had discovered Faith while sneaking around the hospital in the middle of the night to steal blood and look for a spot of trouble. Because he had a bit more freedom and an ever so slightly better relationship with Scoobies in my verse. So, he talked to her. Because he is interested in slayers. Intrigued by the thought of a slayer in a coma, powerless, unable to protect herself or the world. And because no one else did. And he noticed something suspicious about the staff taking care of her. They smell tweedy.

Faith is awakened by a slayer dream about Doomed. Because it doesn't make any sense for there to be a slayer dream about the gentlemen who were only after a few hearts, and not about the 3 demons trying to open the hellmouth and end the world. Faith now gets the slayer dreams about all the current badness. Because she is the slayer. And because I don't think that Buffy ever had another slayer dream again after Faith woke.

Faith's waking up went down like this. Wakes up in the middle of the night disoriented and with atrophied muscles. Manages to get out of bed by early morning without being noticed by staff. She confronts the candy striper or whatever she is, but doesn't beat her brutally. She couldn't if she wanted to. She does knock her out while she isn't looking and takes her clothes. Wanders to the burned out school where she curls up in a ball and cries herself to sleep for a bit. This takes place while everyone is dealing with Doomed; they don't learn of Faith waking up till the next night. Faith then wanders to her old place which is still there because it's paid for and packs some clothes and falls asleep again, to Giles' where she spies on the others coincidently as they learn about her awakening and say things that sound bad, then Revello drive where she finds Spike. This kills a couple of days. There hasn't been any confrontation with Scoobies yet.

Spike meanwhile had moved out immediately after Xander and Willow wouldn't go demon killing with him that night. He took over the fine crypt he'd noticed years before and promptly scavenged a load of furniture and such from the mansion and stole a microwave, TV and Fridge. 'Cause, after discovering he can hurt demons, he's feeling positive for the first time since getting chipped. Bursting with energy and optimism. But buy the time he set up his bed, he's hit with his extreme lack of a bed partner and is no longer so happy. And he needs a broom. Which is why he went to see Joyce.

Anyway, Spike is visiting Joyce when Faith gets there, because he is a mama's boy and no one else ever visited Joyce or told her what was happening. Faith's instincts kick in and she ends up switching from bitch-seeking-vengeance mode to slayer protecting-innocent-from-vamire mode. But Joyce seems to be enjoying Spike's company. Faith eavesdrops from outside. His voice sounds kind of familiar and comforting and she realizes he had visited her while she was in a coma.

Faith confronts Spike when he leaves. Now Spike had been warned about the dangerous psycho bitch slayer, so he knows the scoobies are after her. Like he cares. He likes that in a woman. She also has cops and council wetworks teams after her too. I don't know why there are cops after her now since there weren't cops after her before Buffy put her in a coma. But we'll figure that out later.

They start negotiating a mutually beneficial truce. You know what I mean. She has spent the last 6 months or so in a coma after all. A slayer has needs. She makes a 'ride you at a gallop...squeeze you till you pop' type speech to him, and then practices what she preaches. And guess what? He turns out to be the first she's ever been with that's worth 'a second go.'

So it starts the minute they get to his crypt and continues until they collapse from exhaustion, possibly a day (or so) later. And since Faith is too exhausted to push him away, she experiences afterglow and cuddling for possibly the first time ever. Or the first time in a very long time. And awakens snuggled in his really strong arms, pillowed on a really nice chest, staring at some really great abs. Who would reject that? After sleeping, bathing and refueling, the process is repeated. After that, there's no point in pushing him away.

Besides, this isn't the first time Faith has shacked up with a guy to have a roof over her head. No big. And she's had much worse. She slips automatically into the role.

Also, even a slayer's muscles atrophy in a months long coma. She wouldn't have been up to being on top or in control. Much. He would be in the driver's seat. And he's a good driver. Another new experience for Faith.

Because, Spike has told her what Buffy is up to these days, she sneaks out while he's asleep and has that one confrontation with Buffy on campus, but runs away when cops come. Confirming to her that she needs to lay low. And while not injured, she comes back pretty bruised, sore and miserable and gets coddled by Spike. She can have that nightmare about Buffy being after her now.


So, should she hide out with Spike in his not-yet-spiffy crypt? Should they leave town? It would make sense for Spike to leave town for a while in hopes the initiative would stop looking for him. But he'd need to come back because he wants the chip out.

They should decide to stay in town, at least while Spike tries to find out more info. And they lay low, not causing any trouble, keeping each other entertained. (In addition to the obvious ways, Spike has by now started obtaining home entertainment electronics, per 'What chipped Spike would do with his time' and Spike's crypt entry).

It's Christmas break now and Buffy goes home for the Holidays and not much else happens. Spike scrounges food and a few things for a bit of a christmas for Faith. Just when he comes accross something. A little everyday. If only things like the pumpkin pie flavored shakes and coffees or turkey with stuffing and cranberry sauce sandwiches available at fast food type places. It doesn't take much since she's hardly ever had much of a Christmas in years. Maybe Joyce gives him food and things that he takes home for Faith. Finds some kind of tree-shaped lighted decoration, like a chandelier. And he makes the crypt more comfortable for Faith. Got some kind of heater to take the chill off the crypt. An electric blanket. He'll tap into the natural gas lines soon and add an antique gas fire taken from the mansion. Or maybe he should just steal propane tanks. Need to keep it warm in there so she can wear skimpy clothes.

Getting Along
You'd think they'd fight, but all the sex burns off a lot of energy and tension leaving them both pretty easy to get along with. So actually, the relationship is working out pretty well. Still, Faith is totally blunt and upfront about not knowing the first thing about being in any kind of relationship. So he shouldn't take anything personally. And they do fight, but get over it fast.

Faith might be bitchy, but she doesn't nag, whine or pout. Those things never got her anywhere. So she isn't the slightest bit annoying to Spike like Harmony or Dru. And she has no silly relationshippy expectations like mindreading, romance or whatever. There are no mixed signals.

Faith doesn't believe in love. 'Course Spike does believe in love and romance, but initially, he has no plans of getting over Drusilla. Because their love is eternal. So it's agreed--a totally practical and beneficial relationship.

Faith starts talking about her issues. Superficially though, never her deepest darkest secrets or feelings. But Spike knows what her life has been like. And he can relate.


Spike meets up with the scoobies from time to time, same as in the show, to see what's up. He'll have to act a bit friendlier with them if he wants them to tell him anything. Not too much, though.

He helps Giles with his Fyarl problem. Giles tries his 'higher purpose' idea on Spike but still gets rejected. Mostly because Spike has Faith in his crypt below and wants to get rid of Giles. Still, it gets Spike thinking. He did have fun helping Giles. And fighting the Doomed demons. And he has a slayer at home. Plus Giles is wise enough to get that he can't expect Spike to just switch gears like that. He'd find things for Spike to do. Cause really, a smart man would know to keep Spike busy or he'll find his own mischief.

No one knows about the lower level in the crypt. They think he just hangs out upstairs with the sarcophogi. It's dark in the back so he can pop up out of the hole and seem to appear out of the darkness. So they won't ever find Faith there. Until Faith decides it's time. Because of a slayer dream.

Spike frequently visits Joyce where he learns that they still haven't told her anything. After awhile, they'll decide it's safe for Faith to visit her once in a while --for a home cooked meal, mothering, etc. Joyce would have no reason to be afraid of Faith because no one ever tells her anything. Last time she saw Faith was when she spent Christmas in her home the year before. She only knew Faith had been injured and she too had visited her a few times in the hospital. So it's all friendly. And she probably likes seeing those two crazy kids get together. And the scoobies would never find out from Joyce that Faith might be with Spike because no one ever asks Joyce anything. And Joyce knows how Buffy feels about Spike, so just avoids talking about him. Faith has now bonded with Joyce and no longer wants to hurt her, so she gives up on going after Buffy.

Path to Redemption, Dragging Spike Along

And now Faith keeps getting slayer dreams about all the current badness, but can't do anything about what she sees in the dreams or she'd get caught. All she can do is get Spike to go out and see that they are taken care of, either by himself or by the Scoobies. One of the dreams is about Maggie trying to kill Buffy. That's why Spike was at Giles' that day. And he was shot with the tracer on the way there, which is why he ran to them rather than Faith. He'll have other opportunities to turn to Faith all injured and needy. Maggie's and the boy's deaths and Buffy and Riley's issues all happen without Spike and Faith involvement, except what they see on TV. Only the important initiative and Adam stuff from This year's girl and Who are you happen. Then Faith starts having dreams about Adam.

Spike shaved his head so he's not so easily recognized endangering himself or Faith. So he can actually hang out at Giles' fairly often without being recognized by Riley.

Faith, mostly stuck in the crypt and haunted by her dreams, does a lot of thinking and self-analysis. She mourns the mayor, but realizes he was really messing her up. Too bad one of the very few people to treat her like she was special also had an evil plot to take over the world, or whatever. Now, she wants to turn her life around, to redeem herself.

She considers turning herself in to the police, but Spike talks her out of it. Because that's the stupidest thing he's ever heard--a slayer sitting in prison! She should redeem herself by doing what she is supposed to do. Spike's experiences in Sunnydale have taught him the importance of slayers. He likes the world and wants to keep it the way it is.

And Faith wants to be a slayer again so she makes a deal with him then, his part being to help her. Her part being pretty much, well, sex. Which is what they were doing anyhow, but now they have a commitment. And she gives him a purpose. He needs a purpose. And someone to care for.

And Faith is a pragmatist. She has needs. He meets her needs. And seems to respect her, which is a first. And he's sooo strong, which is hot. And he looks like that. Plus he helps her become a better fighter and will hopefully keep her alive longer. So even though she always ran whenever someone got too close, she's giving this one a shot. Because it's the smart thing to do. Faith quite rightly figures she just needs to keep him too busy--and too happy--to do any 'evil'. On a short leash. Because he is totally whippable. And he's a clingy guy. Shouldn't be too hard to keep him close.

They spar and train together, because they've realized the chip works on intent. Spike figures out where the Initiative boys and Buffy patrol and finds other places to take Faith to get her slay on. And they go places where they are really needed, where vamps hunt, rather than wandering aimlessly through cemetaries staking the occasional newbie. Waste of a slayer's time anyway. Humans could do that. They would go to the Bronze and movie theaters when they close as those people are easy prey, but they can't because they'd be seen. So they go to other favorite hunting places like cheap apartments and motels where the more down and out transient population that no one would miss reside. Over on the interstate. And other bars. Demon towns. And they seek out the most dangerous demons, the baddest of the bad, and any most likely to be plotting to end the world or achieve great power. They steal and pawn their stuff and sometimes harvest valuable body parts like horns and hides. They go where the not-so-harmful demons live and are preyed upon by more dangerous demons. And they actively seek out whole nests of vamps. They don't leave witnesses. And they never advertise that she is a slayer. But eventually they are are noticed and start to be thought of as heroes to the harmless and mostly harmless demon community.

They start strategizing ways to effectively and proactively protect a town. Spike had put some thought into it while living with and observing the scoobies as they fumble thru things and just barely manage to save the world, usually by luck. They go out armed with more than stakes, because there are all kinds of baddies out there. Wear some protective gear since they seek out the baddest bads. They capture some initiative radios and tasers. Get a police scanner. Listen in. Steal one of the inititives master keys to all the businesses. Spike has also made friends, more or less, with the people at the morgue, for blood of course. Morgue staff alert them to mysterious deaths. And he knows other late night people. And demons. They read the local papers and watch the news looking for suspicous events.

Vampire Keeping
Faith wants to keep him, so she finds ways to make up for the chip. To meet his needs. To make sure life with her is better than his pre-chip life. In addition to the nearly nonstop sex, of course. For example, he misses the thrill of the hunt, so she gives him the hunt. In addition to the demon hunting, she leads him on chases, with a head start so he has to use all his senses and special skills, usually culminating in a sparring match and sex up against a crypt. But sometimes more romantic things like a skinny dip or star gazing. Or both. I always thought they should climb on top of the crypt for the sex so they wouldn't be seen.

And then there's the love bitey thing. That helps. Now, Spike would not want to think of his lover as food, but the fact that Slayer blood is so strong that a little goes a long way has got to be handy. And the biting thing is not a big deal. It's instinctive and Faith believes in her instincts. It starts with licking and treating wounds after patrolling and sparring. And the love bites start with Spike making little nicks and scrapes with his fangs that heal almost as fast as he can taste them. That leads to shallow bites. She bites sometimes too. Until they do the mating thing, all marks he makes heal quickly without scarring by the time they get out of bed. And then there's the menstrual blood. All this makes Spike regain the muscle and strength he lost after the initiative. He becomes stronger than ever. And Faith wants him strong. This taking good care of someone is kind of nice. Makes her proud.

Life is looking pretty good to Spike, too. He's well shagged. And stronger than he's ever been. Humans don't even smell tempting anymore. Doesn't compare to the treats he gets at home. Not that he ever had problems being among humans before. He went to clubs and such all the time. Of course he usually ended up finding someone to eat, but he also socialized with many people without harming them.

Anyway, he hated being alone. In fact he sucks at it. Which is one of the reasons he was with Harmony. Desperation. Faith might be bitchy, but he can handle bitchy alot better than whiney. And she treats him right. In Faith, he has a lover and partner, with many of the things he's want in a vampire lover, and then some. He loves being warm. He grows to love the sound of her heartbeat and breathing, etc. Like a puppy. He has all the violence he could possibly want. And a purpose. Yeah, this is much better than killing slayers.

Being unable to fight humans, the Inititive in particular, still sucks though.

Spike hadn't really decorated his crypt when he met Faith. He had gone and gotten loads of stuff from the mansion right off the bat. Because he's obsessive, he'd kept at it until he had taken everything that doesn't give him bad memories. But he'd only done the minimum. Set up the bed. Hook up the TV, microwave and fridge when he got them. Stick some chairs and sofa vaguely around the TV on top of a rug. But the rest is just piled around or pushed into corners. With two people there needing space to be, they start arranging more stuff together. Put out more rugs. Make a nice seating/tv/entertainment area. Nice bedroom with clothing and personal item storage--his and hers. Kitchen workspace and water. Dining. Bookcases and desk. The bed was already nice with some feather pad, down comforter and really soft sheets. Spike might be capable of sleeping ontop of a sarcophogus, but he prefers high quality bedding, and you might as well steal the best.

Helping to arrange the place helps make Faith feel at home. A real home. Possibly the nicest home she's ever had. And it's very couply. And she mostly gets her way. Not like Spike can argue with her about decorating without seeming kind of poofy.

Education of Faith
Spike reads in his free time when not having sex, training, patroling or watching TV and playing video games with Faith. He has books he'd carted with him for a long time. Books from the mansion, books stolen from Giles. New stuff from book stores. Mostly classics and poetry, but all kinds. He finds things for Faith to read, too. Chronicles of Narnia to start maybe. Then Tolkien because of the fighting, eventually advancing to Shakespeare, also starting with the bloody ones. Ivanhoe? The Last of the Mohicans is easy to read, and bloody. And some non-fiction. Faith's education is extremly lacking a great deal. Spike (and TV) starts filling gaps in literature, history, geography and cultural. Some science. Spike would know a bit about natural science, archaeology and anthropology as these were popular pastimes and many discoveries were being made in his day and soon after. Some mechanics as he observed things being invented. And astronomy would be a natural to them. Which leads to a bit of physics. He can't help her much with math, but she has a knack for simple math. And it occurs to them that counting fast is what she needs anyway, as in I'm surrounded by 23 vamps. Or we're outnumbered 13 to 2. Like when Rainman can see at a glance there are 243 toothpicks on the floor. That's extreme, but supposedly children can do things like that but lose that ability when it is replaced with formal math. So maybe they practice that. Probably play other memory games to memorize details of a demon, crypt, ritual, whatever.

Note: Redemptionist Faith's Clothes- Durable Athletic Slutty
Faith wears jeans or leather pants and practical tanks, many of the sports bra variety, and some long sleeved T-shirts. Tending to the slutty side, but not too much. Add to that a leather and/or denim skirt. Plus a few more Tees and tanks decorated with sparklies or lace. Lower, skimpier, or off the shoulder. Plus maybe a few simple knit skirts with slits, fullness, or uneven hemlines so that they do not restrict her movements. She isn't opposed to a bit of feminity as long as it's practical, not froofy and doesn't get in her way. All black, red, or other dark colors. Later, as the relationship blossoms, she might add a bit of floral and more lace. She has boots like Spike's, more boots, and a couple pairs of sandals and heels. Must be on the low side and either very secure on her feet easy to kick off in an emergency. Leather jacket. And she'd grungingly use one of those backpack-like purses, but more backpack than purse at first. Later, when she starts needing to look a little more grown up she'll add a few of those fitted woven shirts with the bit of lycra and some not-so-tight fitting pants, khakis or something like that. Still durable. Both Spike and Faith will get grown up blazer-style leather jackets. Still Black, of course.

Also, they discover the leather or chain mail protective gear widely available at any Renfair. Leather arm guards and guantlets with metal studs or claws at the nuckles, would be the basics. Leather or chain body and shoulder armor for when it's really important. Thick leather punk collars would be a good idea to keep from getting bitten or beheaded. They could order online or go to a fair to try things. Although those tend to close at dusk. But then, Spike could wear a cloak without looking odd.

And get some Kevlar. They wouldn't need the heavy vests as they probably aren't going to need to stop bullets. But Spike could duck tape scraps of kevlar to his chest or fuse it inside his t-shirts. Have a thin layer or two stitched into their coats.

Time passes

They go out of town once in a while - nearby towns, LA, Vegas.

They steal wicked cool motorcycles from some demons.

They take in a stray dog. Because Faith always wanted a dog. Faith would be a dog person. She desperately needs the unconditional love. (Spike's facade is a dog person too, but he's really a closet cat person.) Maybe Spike found her a dog way back near Christmas time. And it's a rejected police dog. Search and Rescue. Lab. Maybe rejected because it's gun shy. To be named Sid, because, what else? Or maybe it should be a kittens for now, kittens being easier to come by than the wonderful dog, which they could get later.

Because Jonathan doesn't know anything about Faith, she isn't in his Superstar universe. Nor is the lower level of the crypt. Which is good because this is when Adam approaches Spike. This is how the superstar verse starts - Spike waking up alone on a sarcophogus in the upper level with Adam standing over him. Adam says something about reality being wonky. Probably tells him it evolves around Jonathan. And Spike feels that something is missing and ends up working with Buffy as she tries to figure out what's going on. But not until after Jonathan has his very useful meeting with the intiative where he learns or determines the stuff about Adam and his energy source.

Wild things
Spike might have his encounter with Anya, perhaps to get info. But other than that, he wouldn't have anything to do with the Frat party when he has Faith to go home to. Which probably shouldn't happen anyway. Would they really have a party right there in the frat house? On top of the initiative? When they really aren't frat brothers but top secret undercover military guys? With all that's going on with Adam? Does Buffy still sleep there after all that's happened? What were the writers thinking?

So instead, after Anya, Spike ends up in some unfriendly pool game with Xander and then when walking home, something like 'Boys Night Out' happens to help make Spike realize he can still be the baddest thing in Sunnydale. Xander's only there because he and Spike are funny. It could happen to Spike alone as well. Or Spike with Anya or Faith.

New Moon Rising
Spike and Faith have been having a good time and are out of the habit of causing trouble. But now it's time to come to the rescue in the fight against Adam. I think when they rescue Oz.

Spike still leads the Scoobies in. Faith rescues them when they get caught, then disappears without any sign of her having anything to do with Spike. Which means they start looking for her again. Harrass Spike about what he might know or have heard.

Adam and Yoko
Spike plays along with Adam. This lets him poke around a bit. About the chip and Adam's lair, secret labs, and evil plot. But there's no way Spike would want Adam's plot to succeed, even without Faith. He wouldn't want anything badder than him around. Spike plays both sides. The stuff he says to Adam about the scoobies was just talk to convince Adam. But then Spike decides the Yoko factor stuff is a good idea and does it. Because the issues were real and the scoobies needed their asses kicked into gear. They really weren't working very well together. And it's funny. But when Buffy sees him in the caves, he then pushes her to make up with the others while telling her Adam's plans. Because they need to stop him. Although he knows that the phase starts when Buffy enters the initiative and not before.

When they figure they know all they can or time's up, Faith comes out of hiding and approaches the Scoobies. Or rather they lure one, Buffy or maybe Giles, to Spike's crypt where they reveal Faith's existence and their knowledge of Adam.

They make the same plan more or less, just with Faith as extra muscle, not trusting her with more. Because Spike and Faith have been going over drawings and Spike has been in the secret lair, they know how to get in thru the caves so don't waste time or risk getting caught by the initiative. And Spike told Buffy about Riley's chip, giving them a reason to get willow to study info Spike has stolen about behavior modification chips. Which will help Spike.

Also, with the extra info, they do a little more strategizing on what they will do about the soldiers and the demons. They get Jonathan involved, and Xander, as that is what Xander's contribution to the group always should have been--geeky war strategy stuff.

Faith goes in with Buffy. Spike is busy playing along with Adam and still gathering what he can about chips and experimentations, but gets to the scoobies when he can. And Riley couldn't get his chip out like that. First of all, it wouldn't be right there at the surface, and there is bone under there. Second, it wouldn't be there, it would be attached to the central nervous system either in his brain or along his spinal cord. Third, it could be dangerous to just cut it out with a piece of broken glass. So he's useless and it's a good thing Faith is there. She fights off Forrest and does the other stuff Riley did.

Also, the others wouldn't have made it out of the initiative alive without Spike and Faith. The power was cut. They wouldn't be able to see. Plus surely they tried to help the soldiers? Buffy wouldn't be able to do that and guard her friends at the same time. It's really bad down there. When one of them nearly gets killed, Spike and Faith have a dramatic moment where they realize they are madly in love. Mostly Faith, cause Spike was already starting to think that way.

Spike ends up injured saving them all, but Faith takes good care of him while the main characters have their post-whatever video party to which they rudely don't invite anyone else. Faith is involved in Buffy's dream somehow. Or maybe she gets her own dream as a result of being a slayer, since she didn't actually take part in the spell. There's some stuff about Dawn in the dream.

Summer After Adam

And Riley still has a chip that they need to figure out how to remove or deactivate. Just like Spike's. They decide that magic is the way to go rather than surgery, so Tara and Willow start researching and practicing teleportation spells, which is why they knew how to do it to Glory. In the meantime, they figure out how to 'turn down' the chip so Riley's will can override any controls. They turn down Spike's chip as well, figuring the pain still makes feeding an unpleasant alternative to bagged blood, but it's no longer debilitating. Also hoping they can trust Faith and her management of Spike.

Then Faith's kid sister Dawn appears. The others remember her showing up for a while in season 3, but being taken away by child services. So they have memories of liking the kid and feeling sorry for her. Spike has no false memories of Dawn other than perhaps an awareness of her existence; All their bonding is totally real.

Sometime last year, after the Faith and Buffy bedmaking dream, Joyce became her foster mother, because she was lonely. That way, Dawn is given to both slayers for protection. Maybe the spell does that. Works out the best ways to integrate Dawn into everyone's lives. The monks don't really have to know details. The spell works out the details. According to Joyce's false memories, she had kept in touch with Dawn since the Christmas before when she came with Faith to her house.

I think Dawn really appears earlier. Around Christmas. So she's there when and if Spike and maybe Faith visit Joyce throughout the spring (after Buffy's birthday).

Getting Stable
Faith just turned 18 that spring (since she is a little over a year younger than Buffy) and now wants custody. So she needs to get her act together. And if Spike wants to be with her, he needs to as well. And all the more reason to stay in Sunnydale. She needs to provide a stable home. And she has contacts in the city government. I mean, everyone didn't just disappear when the mayor blew up.

Spike, btw, would have always had identity papers, he just didn't necessarily keep them up to date. He'd need to fix that now.

Some of the badness on Faith's part has disappeared with the creation of false memories as she would never have done some things with a little sister to watch out for. She still accidently killed that guy and went to work of the mayor, but she wasn't quite as capable of some things like murdering the volcanologist or strangling Xander. So those things are wiped away.

And it turns out that the cops were never after Faith specifically. She's not wanted for any crimes. The mayor fixed everything for her. Cops showed up at UC Sunnydale that day in response to the disturbance. Also, she disappeared from the hospital, so they would have needed to investigate a missing person. So once that's cleared up, there's no need to hide out or use an assumed name.

The Mayor, who was about to ascend and believed he was invincible, did not take the time to record a video telling Faith there's no place for her in the world or hatch a scheme and have a body switching device made. It all happened in the same day didn't it? So, no time. Besides, if he could have a body switcing device made so easily, why not do it before so that Faith could infiltrate the Scoobies and sabotauge them? So, nope. No body switching.

What he did do, is include her in his will. Don't know what she inherited offhand though. Money? Some, Probably. Property? Business? hmm. What kind of business? Maybe some rental properties. In demon neighborhoods. Yes, definately some demon apartment complexes. And a weekend getaway place in the mountains, or on the lake, or on the coast, or one of each. The Mayor also gave her a fake history of finishing high school, perhaps thru private tutorage, which she really did have by her watcher.

And she has a record of having been an 'intern' in the Mayor's office with a glowing review--impressive work experience for her resume. And her 'internship' had something to do with security or criminal investigation, because she is interested in criminal justice. She was a natural.

She should become a cop. She'd get paid while patrolling. She'd be in the loop on 'gas leaks', 'gangs on PCP', 'wild dog attacks' and anything X-filesy. She advances fast so she could become a detective, take the cases no one wants because they involve things they don't want to know about. Which they are willing to let her do. Now she won't have the silly problem Buffy has about how she doesn't think humans are her responsibility. How dumb is that? Like ordinary cops are capable of handling the likes of Ethan Rayne or Warren Mears. And she'd be doing even more to make up for her crimes than if she'd just been a slayer.

Faith probably pulls strings to become a detective so fast and get her own division without a college education, which the scoobies probably see as proof of her evilness. But it harms no one and is for the best. And it means Faith never has to be seen wearing an ugly uniform. So they need to just pull those stakes out of their asses.

Trouble with Scoobies
If the scoobies have any problem with any of this, it must be pointed out that Buffy tried to kill Faith. And it was premeditated. Which means Buffy is guilty of attempted murder. And Faith dares Buffy to kill her. If they want her gone, they're going to have to kill her so a new slayer would be called. Either Faith is a slayer, or they get a new one. Anything else is stupid.

Not that this makes them get along any better. Not that Faith cares right now. She's all wrapped up in her new love, job and family. She argues with them all the time, but the scoobies don't have the power to bother her anymore. Much. And she can always run home to Spike to make it all better. Faith's response to them questioning her how she can sleep with that evil dead thing would be a simple 'Because he's so good at it.'

That kind of talk leads to Faith becoming friends with Anya who also likes that Faith seems to be more pragmatic and proactive about demons and slayage. Faith and Spike consult with Anya all the time. Faith is also close friends with Joyce, because of their mutual interest in Dawn and Spike. And Tara, because she's so nice. Anya and Joyce become friends also, as local business women.

Spike's 'Progress'
Spike is not required to suddenly renounce all evil, drown himself in remorse, and devote himself to saving every last human. As long as he helps stop the big things, doesn't do any harm, and helps control the demon population of Sunnydale. He becomes Master of Sunnydale again, practically by default, because between Spike and Faith's targeting of the worst demons, protecting the more harmless population, and the 'Final Phase' with Adam, there isn't too much competition in town for a while. Just a constant stream of newcomers which get dealt with almost as soon as they arrive. Faith has to argue about this with the Scoobies all the time.

The House
Faith gets Spike the city cemetary caretaking supervisor job, whatever that is, which comes with the house that is connected thru tunnels to Spike's nearby crypt. It's an important job, what with 12 cemetaries. Turns out the job was originally, and frequently thereafter, held by a demon, probably a vampire. The house is perfect for the purpose, on the tunnel system and made primarily of thick stone or other masonry, including many interior walls, so fairly fireproof. And deep set windows are designed to not let too much direct sunlight shine in. And there's actually 2 ways out underground to 2 different tunnels. One from the basement, and one secret passageway from the opposite side of the house. It's a fortress. And a small Mansion.

It is an early (for the west coast) example of quasi prairie-style/Craftsman house, like those found in Oak PArk, Illinois. With wide eaves, a big, deep shady porch, and a roofline extending into a shady carport. Plus a detached garage and full basement. All the large horizontal windows, that the style would have, have metal shutters that close up tight but with narrow 'arrow' slits. Probably a small fortune in bronze. It's a large 4-squareish with wide double pocket doors separating downstairs rooms, so it has a kinda open floor plan. On a hill offering privacy and vistas. Big Terrace on the back overlooking the cemetary. But on a nice residential street out the front. It's on the street with the other old founding family mansions. The best addresses in town. Needs renovating though.

Maybe the mayor had a mansion on this street, which Faith inherited but doesn't want. Make a trade for the much smaller caretaker's house so now they own it. Because Dawn desperately loves the house. The city can use the mayor's mansion as a museum in his honor. Perhaps with Faith's name on it as well since she practically donated the property. Maybe it's Crawford street. Or a block over. Because all the old mansions are within a few blocks in the same part of the old town. but this house is closer into the center than Angel's.

And it comes as a big suprise to her, but Faith loves having a house. A real home of her own. I mean, she always pretended she didn't care before. But now she wants all kinds of house things: bird feeders, houseplants, a garden, a piano, pets. Stuff she remembers from her grandmother's home. Because Faith lived with her grandmother when she was a small child. She died when Faith was about eight, then Faith was stuck with her drug-addict mom and then foster homes. But her early childhood wasn't so bad. She tries to fight some of the desires: yard art, flowery fabrics, lace curtains, doilies, windchimes. She and Spike curb each other's tendencies and they end up with a pretty good eclectic decor: A little gothy and churchy, a little exotic, a little whimsy but not so much it clashes with the house's style. All collected and scavenged. Very little is new. Spike still doesn't believe in buying stuff. Especially from a mall.

They get stacks of old Martha Stewart and other decorating and DIY magazines. Among them, the MSL issue where she paints or stains all the miss matched wooden furniture in her guest house black or nearly black. It's pretty elegant. So they do this to anything not too special to paint, like anything burled this or birds-eye that. Martha painted her walls some kind of tan or beige or something. Spike picks a palish cocoa color instead. They paint all rooms needing painting that color for now.

The house had an elaborate garden at one point which they start restoring, somewhat. Especially the things like rasberries, fruit trees, grape vines. And of course, roses. Spike knows about roses. And Faith wants a pool. And she'll go overboard decorating for Halloween and Christmas. And start taking in stray animals. Mostly cats and dogs, mostly black.

They get married that summer to show stability. Joyce, Dawn, the scooby group, coworkers and contacts, town VIPs, demon friends plus some are invited. Takes place in the evening on the decorated rear terrace of their new home overlooking the old cemetary. Faith will wear crocheted skirt and top separates. Form fitting and in slightly different shades of rose, pale pink, cream. (or maybe it should be red?) Slightly different patterns too. Vintagey. And there's a little crocheted jacket which is vintage with split sleeves that fall open from the elbow. Maybe Clem's mother crochets some of it for her. No veil and nothing remotely veil-like. Flowers in her hair. Because the top is crocheted in flower patterns. The top has skinny crocheted camisole straps set far apart, almost off the shoulder. Actually they should be off the shoulder and thick enough to hide her tattoo. Slightly slutty, especially with a push up bra which Faith debates wearing. She wears her hair like Hermione's in the recent Harry Potter movie, mostly up but with a few long curls hanging down over her shoulder covering her bite mark when she chooses--like for the pictures.

It's a small and casual wedding. They just need the pictures. And to confirm their relationship before their community. But as far as they are concerned, they are already married. So, what should Spike wear? Contrary to popular belief, Spike would so wear a tux to his own wedding. And dance. And sing. Spike is not afraid to do anything he knows makes him look good. And he looks good in a tux. He's worn many tuxes over the century. But this is a very informal wedding. No walking down aisles, no rows of seating. No ushers. No attendants. Just a party during which at some point they gather together for the vows.

Married Life Faith enjoys having a husband and lets him do some kinda macho husband stuff like most of the driving while she falls asleep on long drives, and bringing the car around while she waits inside warm and dry. Of course, opening doors, helping with coats and pulling out chairs. Particularly when the scoobies are around to see it.

Anyway, they make their place homey enough, endure a few interviews and inspections, impress some people, pull some strings, and manage to get Dawn by the end of summer. Dawn is now 14 and Faith 18.

More about Dawn
Spike and Dawn hit it off, with him the same big brother/best friend/crush figure like in the show and the Spuffy plot. Faith does not try to be Dawn's mother. They are sisters, and besides they've practically been orphans for a long time. Spike, though, is like a way, way older brother who is to be obeyed. Mostly. Dawn reminds Spike of his sisters when they forget their manners. He probably had that one sister that was prone to forget her manners and Dawn reminds him of her, his favorite sister.

Dawn likes art and does all kinds of artsy crafty experiment things in all kinds of mediums. She's thrilled about having their first house, which is why Faith makes sure they can keep it. And why Faith and Spike decide to stay in Sunnydale. For now. She does a lot of things for the house in which Spike is often involved. Particularly if it has anything to do with wood, metal, glass or paint. But I think he knows how to read crochet, knitting and needlepoint patterns as well because of his mother's fading eyesight. But that's their little secret. She also likes to write, which is why she keeps a journal. And why she loves Spike's stories.

This Dawn is a bit of a rebel, not so much with the teen angst about fitting in. Not a cheerleader type. Because she's Faith's sister, not Buffy's. And because of the kind of life she lived in her false memories. She does not listen to n'Sync. Much. She seeks out arty, nerdy, smart people, like Willow and Tara. And bonds with people affected by Sunnydale's freak occurances. Such as Harmony's little sister. But mostly she hangs out with her new brother-in-law. She loves going places with him. He's so cool.

Dawn gets a lot of attention from Spike because he doesn't spend much time working. He doesn't actually do the caretaking or hardly even the supervising of the workers. What he does is make sure the workers aren't stupid and get themselves killed. And makes it known they are under his protection. He makes one of them do the supervising. He does other stuff too, like consulting at the morgue and forensics, but nothing anywhere near a 40-hour work week. Even including slaying and scooby meetings.

There is confusion when Glory, the monks and the knights appear looking for the key. The monks and knights, like the scoobies, assume Buffy is the slayer involved. The monks wouldn't have known there were two slayers and didn't know Buffy or Faith. The spell just made a sister for the current slayer -- who is Faith. However, everyone-- Glory, minions, knights, monks--assume Buffy is the one they are looking for. For the same reason as Dracula. Buffy Summers is the name known worldwide because of the number of years she's been slaying vs months for Faith.

Also, they rarely advertise that Faith is a slayer. There are few demons around that remember her from before the coma. Besides she was with the bad guys then. And now she's Spike's mate or wife or whatever. And a cop. That's what they know.

About the Key
The knights were wrong about destroying the key and the monk's reasons for protecting it. The key's existence is essential to the stability of the universe. Which the monks knew and is why they were protecting it. Like Joyce somehow knew Dawn was precious to the world. The key doesn't just unlock doors, it keeps the doors locked and the walls up. Without it, the dimensions would bleed together which is what the knights figured would happen if the key was used. But actually, that's what would happen if the key was destroyed. The general said little was known. They were only guessing. And Giles interpreted those prophecies wrong too. The energy is in Dawn's blood, when it flows the key opens doors. When it stops flowing, the doors close. That does not mean in any way that Dawn must bleed to death. The blood just needs to stop, whether from applying pressure or clotting. Doc was being careful to make shallow cuts, remember. So that she wouldn't bleed for long. So really, they could have just opened a door, let Glory thru and shut it. But they didn't know that. Also, some bad stuff could get in, because Glory's hell dimension? Not so nice. Apparently it has dragons. Anyway, Dawn is the key, remains the key, and could so do key stuff long after Glory.

So anyway, most of the initial stuff with Glory happens to Buffy. They probably don't even tell Faith what's going on. And don't consider that it has anything to do with her. Because they are kind of petty people that way. At least Buffy, Willow and Xander are. For example, they don't bother to tell her they have been given a Glory-repelling sphere that they could be using, but just stuck it in the basement. Anya would tell her friend when she saw her, but they barely tell Anya anything.

The Dracula thing happens to Buffy, with minor involvement from Spaith. The things Dracula says and does to Buffy come as no surprise to Spike and Faith. They've already figured those things out. That vampires and slayers are kindred. That slayer power is rooted in darkness. Dracula just confirms what they've been saying in justification of their relationship.

Joyce still gets sick, but there is no Dawn spell on anything in the house so Buffy wouldn't see anything during the trance there. I don't think Joyce has to die in this one. But Spike is very affected by her illness. Most of his family died of illness. As he would have as well. In his experience, people tend to die from illness. And he's especially troubled by sick mothers.

Meanwhile, life had been great for newlyweds Faith and Spike. And Dawn. Great all the way thru Christmas. And they took some cool stuff from Dracula's castle.

Buffy finds the monk and learns that a key was sent to her in the form of a sister, blah, blah. Which would make no sense to her since she doesn't have a sister. But they figure it out. They start acting weird around Dawn whenever she hangs out at the magic box. Dawn gets suspicious and goes to Spike. Spike and Dawn find out roughly the same way, by Dawn and Spike sneaking in and reading Giles's journal. That Buffy kept this info from them pisses Faith off.

And there is clashing over methods, since Spike and Faith had been strategizing new, more proactive methods and the scoobies were still following their nearly pointless ways. (Which probably annoyed Riley, too.) And Buffy is secretly envious of Faith and Spike. Plus resentment as Spike and Faith are the first to know about most badness because of their jobs, contacts and the slayer dreams. They are way more efficient. Although, Buffy has Giles and his researching and Willow and her magic. Not that Spike can't research. And Dawn researches. And they have internet access too.

And they will be so pissed when they learn the scoobies have that sphere in the basement and never told them. Maybe they learn that from Dru when she shows.

Order of events:
Dawn/Real me type stuff - Summer, soon after Adam. Dawn encounters her first crazy. The owner of the magic box is killed and Giles buys it.

I guess there's not much Harmony. Although Spike could introduce her to Dracula.

Dracula - to Buffy
Replacement - Perhaps loser Xander would run to Faith and Spike after seeing the double with his friends.

Out of my mind - Riley stuff only. Spike might help, but doesn't try to get the doc to cut into his head. And doesn't love Buffy.

Joyce gets sick. Buffy suspects mystical. Has first encounter with Glory and monks.

Tara's family comes. Spike doesn't need to hit her to know she's human. He can smell she's human. But he and Anya suss out her family. And Faith throws her cop weight around to get them to leave.

Fool for Love - Buffy gets staked. Hears Spike's death wish theories. Joyce goes to the hospital.

Listening to Fear - Is this important? Maybe just the Quellar demon stuff. Because it helps them learn stuff about Glory. And Faith's been investigating the number of crazies suddenly in Sunnydale. Lump much of Joyce's tumor stuff into here.

Shadow - Dawn is there when the snake thing comes because she stops by after school alot. And joins research because Faith lets her. And maybe works there sometimes. For Christmas money maybe. And Willow helps her with math. Spike is there to pick up Dawn. Plus Spike, Dawn and Faith visit Joyce a lot in hospital and out. Spike kills the snake and skins it. This is when Buffy figures out Dawn is the sister the monk mentioned and starts acting weird.

Christmas!!! - All this time, Faith, Spike and Dawn have had little to do with Glory or any unusual problems other than the weird way Buffy and Giles have started acting. And the crazies and the Snake. They're upset by Joyce's illness of course, but other than that, they've been enjoying their new home and family life. And went all out for Christmas. And Halloween.

Into the woods - Joyce's surgery successful. Riley stuff. He can leave. Or not. Maybe the vamp stuff won't happen. And Riley sticks around continuing to be the normal boyfriend Buffy is determined to have. They still have their problems though. Because he gave up his career. Or did he? Because, apparently there are still initiative soldiers around. He can be jealous of Ben. and he knows Buffy is envious of Faith and Spike.

Triangle - Faith is involved with Anya and Willow's squable and later Troll problem - Anya turns to her as a police officer and her friend, but Faith has to tell her that even though Willow's behavior is totally wrong, the owner would have to press charges and it's doubtful Giles would do that.

Checkpoint - Faith lays low and lets Buffy have the first meetings with the council. To find out what they are really there for. Turns out they weren't aware she was still in Sunnydale so aren't after her. She springs herself on them at some point but doesn't jump thru any hoops for them. Since she never got her ass kicked by Glory, she's not as afraid and therefore not willing to kowtow. When Travers says that thing about the council being permanent while the slayers aren't, Faith responds with something like the same could be said about watchers, in a sweetly threatening tone. The interviews of the scoobies should still happen because the Council makes some pretty good points. And with Spike, although that would go differently since he lives in a nice house with a family now. That should be surprising to them. I would think Lydia would do anything to stay in town to observe him. Glory shows up in Buffy's home, causing her to panic and take Joyce to Spike and Faith for protection. Buffy eventually comes to the same conclusions about the power plays going on as she did in the show, possibly with the additional influence of an argument with Faith.

Blood ties - Spike and Dawn break into the magic box to find out why Giles and Buffy act weird around her. And why crazy people keep saying weird stuff to her. Because sneaky and clever Dawn has spotted Giles writing in a journal and noticed that he hides it when she comes near. Faith and Spike will be pretty pissed off to learn they weren't told. They demand to know everything. When they find out about the Dagon sphere, in the journal maybe, they demand the scoobies find where they stashed it in the basement and have Dawn carry it with her every where she goes.

While Spike and Faith are bitching at Buffy and Giles, Dawn sneaks off to the hospital to talk to the crazies. She has her encounter with Glory where she shows how clever and quick thinking she is, even under fire, by questioning Glory. She finds the brainsucked knight who is full of info. Spike should kidnap him.

No Crush, but Drusilla comes back.

When Dru shows up, they keep her, because she tells them stuff. And to make sure she doesn't tell other people stuff. She's no threat to Spike and Faith's relationship because they've done the mating thing. It's like having an insane mother-in-law. They even let her into their home, after plenty of threats and precautions. Dru doesn't want to harm Dawn anyhow. She's the prettiest Dolly Dru's ever had, what with her being all green and glowy. She reminds her of her sisters. And that green stuff doesn't look like it would taste good anyhow. Dru still talks about being a nun, so they encourage nunny behavior to the best of their abilities. A good way to keep her busy. But Spike's not Catholic and Faith barely remembers much of what she had experienced or been taught as a child before her grandmother died. Because Faith is Portugese, a common, usually poor, and usually Catholic minority in New England where she's from. So they'll need some help. Liam was Catholic.

Anyway, they are nice to Drusilla. Get a proper tea set and frequently have fancy teas. Plant daisies in the garden. Replace some of the dolls and doll tea sets and furniture that she hadn't been able to keep up with on her own. Set up a room in the house, or maybe under the crypt to be a chapel.

Also, after Drusilla, Spike pretty much has to admit he can't go back to his old life. So, kinda has to go forward.

I was made to love you happens, because they could use a super strong female android. When the thing with April happens, Faith is on the case, because there would be a few police reports. They keep April, because she is dangerous, and potentially useful. And Faith opens a file on Warren. At the very least. Maybe threatens him. 'I've got my eye on you' kind of thing. Because anyone capable of creating April is potentially dangerous. And he might be able to help with Spike's chip.

Joyce doesn't die and therefore no attempt to resurect her. Perhaps Spike and Dawn have some other encounter with Doc, because if he is a worshipper of Glory, he should be involved in returning her to power. And he apparently knows the key is human as he had the scrolls that explained the ritual.

Buffy doesn't have her encounter with the first slayer in the desert. But Spike does get captured and tortured. Maybe at some point it is revealed that there is another slayer. An apparently new slayer. Glory might think Faith is the key. Except Faith sure isn't pure. But the kid sister is.

Willow and Tara fight, and Tara gets brain sucked. But she wouldn't reveal Dawn to Glory.

No fleeing in a Winnebego. Something else with the knights. Something that lets Spike show off his horsemanship. And doesn't he look hot on horseback! Now Faith wants horses too. They should keep some of the knight's horses. Or all, if Glory kills the knights like in canon. Because they have that weekend place in the country. Or since they are good, well-trained military horses, they should be added to the Sunnydale police force. Anyway, somehow they end up with the General to question.

And they argue with Giles' and the Knights interpretations of the little info they have on the key. Because it doesn't jive with the monks protecting the key all those centuries.

Neither Buffy or Faith will sacrifice themselves. They have enough muscle and brains to smack her down. For one thing, if Willow would just suck sanity from Glory back into more of the crazies, Glory won't be in good fightin' shape at all. And I bet a rocket launcher or some explosives would work pretty well on her, too. Or repeated smackings with the wrecking ball. Really, they should try everything. This is important people. And maybe they sent Dawn away with Spike and Dru anyhow. So no danger to her. Or maybe Dru should just spot Ben and kill him, and it's all over, just like that.

After Glory
Start some teamwork with Angel's bunch. Expand operations. Get even more organized and proactive.

Buffy has her nerd problem but it is handled a little differently since Faith has her file on Warren and would start suspecting him after the museum robbery and frozen guard. And maybe they get Jonathon out of the trio by finally letting him help.

Willow might be a problem this year.

They'd have council problems this year. Because they are a bunch of misguided gits who wouldn't approve of Spike and Faith. Giles, and Spike and Faith, discover differences between life span and activities of slayers that were never part of the council whether they predate the council or lived outside the council's reach at the given time. They'd look into other culture's folklore and mythologies. Ancient Greek, Indian, Native American, etc Slayers. Suggesting the council's methods and teachings hamper the slayer. Not paying them probably hampers their abilities as they age. And wouldn't it be better to provide them with a jet to travel and deal with problems all over the world?

And keep looking into that darkness thing. Yeah, it's time to try to find out the truth about slayers and debunk all the Watcher BS. Course we'll never know the truth. Like we'll never know what a soul really is.
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