What chipped Spike would do with his time...

Jan 15, 2006 21:17

While he would often sit in his crypt getting drunk and doing nothing, he would also often get bored with that and go out. Besides he can't stand being alone. He'd actually be quite busy. He'd be all over that town. (Jobs list at the bottom)

By they time the stuff with Glory starts happening, he'd be a fairly together chipped vampire.

He would not hang around outside the Bronze scaring people for money. He might do it if he happens to pass by a good target alone, but he would not hang around purposely to do it. Too pathetic. And too dangerous for him since he couldn't defend himself if he targeted someone who then came right back with friends. He'd hang around inside, were he'd make 'friends,' if only to mooch free drinks and cigarettes off of. And he'd be hit on consantly.

Getting thrown out of Willy's would remind him that he is a Master Vampire and doesn't take that shit. After he sobers up, he'd kill them. And any other demon that looks at him funny. He'd start participating in Prize fights for money and win every one of them. (ala Nan Dribble's Blood something stories. The 2nd one.) Because he has something to prove.

He'd 'patrol' a lot. Not that he'd call it that. But he'd feel the need to hurt demons to over-compensate for being unable to kill humans and to defend his big bad status. He'd be even more determined to be the biggest, baddest thing in town.

Patrols places that it never occurs to the scoobies or the initiative to go but vampires frequent such as cheap motels and by-the-week apartments inhabited by down and out people that no one would miss.

He stakes all fledglings he comes across because he can't stand them and Sunnydale has too many vampires as it is. And seeks out and kills any vampires even remotely powerful enough to be any kind of a challenge to him. He is the master.

He'd have some male territorial thing going on that makes him keep his cemetery completely free of any demons.

He dissects and sells off valuable demon parts and pawns their belongings. He also, occasionally 'exterminates infestations' of the warehouses, factories and family mausoleums demons are always living in. A valuable service for which people are willing to pay well. Because, who else are you going to call? He starts to make out pretty well while Buffy still gets squat since she just leaves valuable stuff laying around after she kills it or its owner and refuses to take pay.

He would rescue a few humans, starting with people that would benefit him such as the pawn shop owner. He gets free or good deals on stuff as a reward. He gets a pretty nice TV and stereo. A PC. xBox. And there is a direct correlation between the Sunnydale death rate and the quantity of good stuff in Sunnydale pawn and resale shops. He trades up every time something better comes in. Because he is going to need a Tivo.

And there are also video games, music CDs, DVDs, bling, weapons, etc at the pawn shop. He'd have just about every thing with buttons and flashing lights a guy could want.

(He'd get the big 17" display Mac notebook. A Mac because that's what Willow uses and because of iTunes. Although he wouldn't be especially fond of digital music because he can probably hear the stuff in analog that we can't but know is missing from supposedly crystal clear digital recordings. Also, the Mac OS is unix these days so maybe it helps him access some of the stuff he will steal from the initiative. For the same reason, he probably also needs a PC, so he'd get an HP notebook w/ 17" display, maybe with the home media OS, you know, to supplement the Tivo.) Because they just happen to have this stuff in those pawnshops.

After things start falling apart with the Initiative, he gets bolder about being out in public in Sunnydale. He hangs out at the Bronze where he is constantly hit on. He would not be lurking all alone in the dark even if he wanted to. Besides, he's a flirt. Hustles pool there and near UCS.

He watches over the people who run the 24-hour convenience/liquor store since there is no point in having to break in new people all the time. But it's family owned and operated and he gradually and grudgingly gets a bit attached to them and the kids. They repay him with cigarettes and booze. So he never has to buy cigarettes and rarely booze.

He probably ends up knowing a lot of the night shift people. A few cops, the doctors at the morgue from whom he gets blood, some restaurant owners. Bartenders and waitresses who get off and head home in the wee hours. Maybe gets paid for protecting a few late night business people. Becomes Huggie Bear to a couple cops. Also, there would still be demons and humans in-the-know in the mayor's office and city government. They didn't just disappear when the mayor blew up. Some are the city founders and prominent citizens. They occasionally pay him as a 'consultant' for his expert opinion on unusual wounds and such on murder victims or other weird stuff found around town.

Then he'd rescue someone from a demon that would make him feel good about himself. Maybe a woman that reminded him of Joyce. Or maybe Joyce. Then he'd do it again, and again.

He leaves town once in a while. Maybe goes to a concert or club in LA or some other city. (are there punk equivalants of 'Lovin Feelings' tours? Of course he listens to other music too. He's been around a long time.) Goes to Vegas. Has a few adventures on his own, mingling among people. Something that was difficult to do with Drusilla and impossible after she got sick. Goes to the theater. He likes cities, literature, theater, music, art, clubs, life, booze, etc and recognizes that it is humans that create these things.

Actually, it would make sense for him to stay out of town a lot while the initiative is after him. Maybe until after the scoobies start to realize there is something evil going down in the initiative and he can therefore expect the scoobies to do something about them. Then again, he doesn't have that much faith in their abilities.

Whenever he leaves town, demon activity picks up. The scoobies dig out the musty old books to try to figure out what is going on. It has to happen many times before they figure it out.

He helps Joyce sometimes with heavy crates and car trouble. Escorts her home when she is at the gallery late. Visits her for tea or cocoa. In fact, he's the only one who visits her while Buffy is at school and the only one who tells her anything.

Hangs with Tara and Anya once in a while. They have time on their hands since they were always left out of the action, and the post-action celebrations. These relationships and activities would evolve and increase gradually. Not so much the first several months after he moves out on his own.

Poses for Tara who takes art classes. Tara gets the idea to draw Spike using the children's technique of covering a piece of paper with crayon in all different colors, then you cover it all with black crayon. Then you draw by scratching the black away with something revealing the colors underneath. It would be symbolic of his aura. Full of color, energy and life flaring under the black layer of death. Or maybe Dawn should do that. That sounds like a junior high art class activity.

Plays poker in the demon bars.

Fixes up his crypt. Finds damaged but fine wood furniture to be fixed. Made of woods you can't get anymore. Some from Angel's mansion and the many other abandoned houses. Some from demons he kills. Or gifts from people he rescues. Fixes them up as in the Trash to Treasure guy from Decorating Cents, which he watches sometimes. He wouldn't sit in an upholstered chair he found in the dump. Vampire sense of smell, remember.

Fixes his car, which is not a wreck no matter what other fic writers say. But it probably did sustain some damage and wear from him driving to and from Brazil while drunk. Twice. He has other cars stashed around the country as well. Like in New York. Cool sporty and muscley things from the 60s and 70s. The desoto was just the one available in the whatever city they landed in when they came from Prague. Because he's spent a lot of time in the US. Maybe he'd go get the other cars at some point.

And while he might be a slob, he is also bursting with energy and would end up cleaning up and putting away just about anything he threw, dropped or spilled. Besides, I imagine he was well disciplined as a Victorian boy and I suspect he has to make a conscious effort to be a slob. And he forgets sometimes.

Watches telly of course. Passions. Apparently Dawson's creek. Futbol on Mexican TV. Does he hate Brasil now or would he still root for them? Eventually he'll get a cable descrambler to steal the sports channels. The food channel. Anything that satirizes human or American culture and events. The Simpsons. Jon Stewart. Jeopardy. History Channel. BBC America. Classic movie channels. Charlie Brown movies. HGTV. Those guys that build the custom motorcycles and trick out their cars. And I think he secretly watches some SciFi, because he really is a nerd. And we know he saw Star Wars. Over the decades, he has to have seen all the original Star Trek and Dr. Who. He'd of course watch The Avengers and other old British shows on BBC America.

Distills rose oil from petals gathered from all the old rose bushes in his cemetary and sells it to the Magic Box. Because Rose oil is very valuable. And he likes roses. And he'd have a vague knowledge of how it was done. And his cemetery is full of fragrant old roses, the best kinds for fragrance.

Cooks. Because he likes food. And he always needs something to do. And I like when he cooks. And he has fond memories of the kitchen from his childhood - warmest room in the house, probably where the children ate their meals, his mother cooked, etc. And maybe they turned a chef once. Nothing complicated, but maybe exotic to us. Crepes, curry. Things he's picked up from around the world. Spicy things.

Jobs for Spike Not that he needs a job, especially not a regular, 40-hour a week job, which he probably wouldn't do. But there are plenty of things he could do in a demon town. Freelance. Wheeler Dealer-type things.

The usual bartending - Great job for him. He'd pack in the females and make a fortune in tips.
'Exterminator' - Someone must own those abandoned warehouses and factories. And those someones might sometimes want whatever is living there removed. A needed service.
Hospital morgue or funeral parlor 'aid'- detect vamps, get free blood
Cemetary caretaker (supervisory, not peon)
Late-night Radio DJ--classic rock station of course
Some kind of protection racket for demons, or human businesses likely to be preyed upon by demons.
Night security guard
Bodyguard - on occassion
Cab driver
Pool Hustler
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