
Dec 25, 2008 09:15

So Me and Alanna stayed last night at Kylees grandparents place so we could have christmas with Kylee, her brother and mom and stepdad.  None of us but Kylee and myself even knew that anything was going to be going on. Kylees grandmother made plans for it to happen but never told Kylees mom. so we cooked  a christmas diner in good time and ate. Alanna LOVED the mashed potatos like crazy. after words we opened some gifts. Kylees brother David got us a twin laughing Budda statue for good luck, Wednesday got lots of cool clothes adn a tie die onezy. Alanna got some cute outfits and a duck. she loves ducks. Kylees mom got me a fairey tapastery and cool wing and sckull earings.

Today we (Alanna and myself) are going to visit Kylees dad and step mom (Alannas oma and opa), then to my parents place in Pueblo. I know what they got her. a rocking horse thats really freaking sweet and a bubble machien so that Alanna can chace all the bubbles she wants. Im getting money. I needs it.

Merry Christmas, Merry Yule, Happy 5day? (god if my family found out im not shure what day of Hanukkah it was i would get lectured....eep) and when ever Kwanza happens to everyone and all.

Ps. I got what i wanted. Time with my family!!!!!! *big girns*
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