Take a sad song, and make it better..

Jul 26, 2010 21:31

Hey everyone :) So, these past few months have been pretty annoying actually. 
I don't really know how to describe it.
It's like the world is trying to rub it in my face that I'm not suppose to get anything I want. 
Sometimes I get so frustrated at how much stuff doesn't work out for me. 
I mean, everything that's happened has been a huge "screw Jess out of EVERYTHING she could get happiness from"

But whatever. 
I guess that's life, right?

I've been working all summer and I got a pretty decent amount of scholarship money this semester. 
However, it's going to be all work and studying for these next couple semesters so I can bring up my GPA.
I really want to study abroad in Japan next summer. 
After this semester of Japanese I can study abroad. :)

There's so many things I'm looking forward to doing. 
I just hope I can get into the art program there. If not I'm thinking of changing my major to International Business. 
Or something like that. 
I really want to live in Japan for at least 2 or 3 years.

That won't change, even if the major does. 
I've been working hard on coming up with my tattoo idea. I have a few sketches of it drawn out. I'm just not too sure whether I like any of them. I love the idea. But it's like putting it on paper ruins it. 

But I'm trying. It'll take months to perfect though.

I'm trying to get opinions.
What do you think I should get pierced? 
Like what is sexy on girls? 
I want to re-pierce my belly button. It was pulled out. (yeah I know ouch) and I want it redone. 
I miss it :( 
Um..any other suggestions. Because I really want a new piercing!!
I was thinking tongue, or...eyebrow but I know my dad would KILL me. 
Even though I can just take them out. Big whoop.

So any suggestions? 
I'll consider each one! haha

Also I'm growing my hair out. I'm trying to find a really awesome hairstyle to wear when it's long enough. 
I'm really excited. I haven't had my hair past my shoulders in YEARS and I'm actually purposefully making it that way. Dang. 
It's so weird. I swore I'd never have my hair long again. 
I think I'm going to like my hair long though .

I'm sorry it's been so long since I've posted on here. 
I feel so bad to everyone who was following my stories and everything. 
Don't hate me guys. 
Time was never with me when I was in college. 
Maybe one day I'll go back to it. I might force myself to write again sometime soon. 
I need to finish everything I started. 
I'm sorry again.

It's been a crazy year. 
School was so...wow. 
I am so different. In many ways. 
And maybe it's not such a bad thing. 
I have so many terrible stories, and sad stories. 
Funny as hell stories. 
It was a good year all-in-all 
I met some amazing people! I'm so lucky to have friends like I do. 
Friends who are there for me no matter how much of a bitch I am. Haha. 
Trust me, there were lots of those bitchy days. 
I'm looking forward to what my future has in store!

I've shed so many tears over so much. 
Right now, it all seems stupid. 
I've given up on a lot of stuff. 
A lot of people. 
Sometimes you have to. 
Girls, please realize that NO MATTER WHAT: NO BOY IS WORTH YOUR TEARS. 
NO ONE is worth crying for. 
Most guys are douche bags. 
Major douche bags. 
But sometimes you find the ones that are worth sticking around for. 
I mean, it's their nature to be complete jerks. 
But I don't know. 
I can't let a couple of them go. :) 
And maybe it's not such a bad thing. 
Because all in all they're good people.
Even if it never ended up how I wished it would've in the beginning. 
I like having them as friends.

I miss how it was before. 
How we were.

This was just an update. I had to write something. 
I was telling tofuleaf how bad I felt because I hadn't updated in SO LONG.

Well, until next time!
(Which I'll try to make it soon!)


depressed, boys are douche bags, college, summer suckage, life, updating, um..yeah..., love

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