Title: We can be Heroes
Pairings: HanChul
Other Characters: Donghae, Kangin, The Duke (aka Siwon)
Rating: eh..PG 13 to be safe...
Summary: This is a story about a enchanted boy who moves to Seoul to experience life. He gets caught up in the people who call themselves the "children of the revolution". Love can either make you or break you. In this case, it's a tragedy of the worst kind.
Previous Chapters:
1 You Light Me On Fire
The five of them finally arrived at The Golden Tavern. It was in an elaborate
tradition Korean building, with just the right amount of lighting not be too harsh on the eyes. Everything about the place invited you in, from the building down to the faint music you could hear reverberating from its walls. There were so many people there, men and women, waiting for the doors to open.
Hankyung stared in awe as the doors slid slowly open to reveal many scantily clad men and women; they walked out and posed provocatively. From some signal that he couldn’t see or hear the music started and who Hankyung assumed to be
Kangin appeared and started to speak. He weaved through all of the other people, touching or dancing with them in the process. He was dressed in bright colors and even this invited everyone to come closer, to try and touch him.
“The Golden Tavern, did you think it would be boring? We have all kinds that you should like. Leave your insecurities behind. This is a place where you decide, who is worthy and who is not. Be astounded because the show is about to start.” Kangin smiled and the music began to get faster and others were joining in Kangin’s dance and before long it all turned into a magnificent but provocative dance with all of them dancing in perfect timing. “
Hey baby,” Kangin turned to one of the girls and grabbed her waist, pulling her against his body. “Tonight, you know…” The girl sighed against him. “I’m a strong baby…” The girl smiled at him, their faces close enough to have kissed. Kangin pushed away from her and continued to walk out to the excited crowd. Someone tossed him a jacket and the show began. The entire group of five was swept into the whole performance, dancing laughing and singing randomly along, even though they didn’t know most of the words.
Hankyung couldn’t imagine what his father would do if he saw him right now. It was exactly what he had warned him about, but it was addicting. The closeness of the bodies, people he didn't know touching him, kissing him. He felt excepted and wanted and above all alive. He was experiencing something other than the dull life of the small town he use to live in.
The alcohol just made him focus on the dancing, the people and the music. He missed most of the lyrics and before long he was swiftly swept up in the crowd.
Donghae had grabbed his hand and was dragging him into a balcony area.
“It was a success!” Hankyung stared at him, very confused. “We successfully got Kangin’s attention.” He was still confused. Where in the world did Donghae find the time to do this? Before he could ask him, however, the upbeat song ended and Donghae excitedly grabbed his arm. “It’s him…the Radiant Flower…Heechul.”
The room became quiet as flower petals fluttered from the ceiling. It seemed as though the whole room was holding their breath. A pure voice sang from what seemed like the heavens. “
Don’t be afraid, look into my eyes baby…” The cheer sounded from the crowd as their star appeared at the very top level of the performing area. His
black outfit was form-fitting but elegant at the same time. The blue jacket was shining in the spotlight that was on him. He captured everyone's attention and the excitement was so thick you could practically feel it in the air. Heechul’s hat was pulled low over his eyes, which made him seem sexier and mysterious. He was so fragile and feminine looking but beautiful and angelic as well. Hankyung could only stare in awe.
“Because of this love, you make me feel like a tiger.” He slowly descended down to the awaiting cries of the fans. Heechul smirked, touching and teasing each person he came into contact with. “I feel you close to me, don’t come apart from me.” Heechul danced with one particular guy, the man looked to be in bliss and as Heechul touched his face he smiled. “I want you by my side, but your love tears me to pieces!” He pushed the man away and started to dance alone again, the rest of the performers followed his lead.
“Hey you are my pinky, never cheat on me. You’re bound by the red thread. Do the ‘shake-your-body’ come and call about it, come and whisper close into my ear.” Hankyung watched in awe as Heechul captivated everyone with his grace and as he started to roll his hips Hankyung swallowed hard, his hands became sweaty and he would have never put into words what the sight did to his body. The cocky attitude and confident smirks just gave him more charm and power over his audience. “Charm me, make a promise with me baby: No matter how far we go, don’t you fool me like a liar.” He turned to glance up at our balcony and Hankyung’s breath caught. Heechul threw his hat up and the audience cheered, all running to catch it, to have one chance to get small piece of Heechul. “I want to lose control, lying with you. I want to be your lover, and melt you with my love.” He threw back his head and belted the last part of the line out. It gave Hankyung chills. Could anyone else hear the lonliness and sadness in his voice?
“Hey you drive me crazy; you light me on fire, with your fingers entangled in mine. Come on baby, funky you make me feel sexy. Feel it with me-all of it.” Heechul glanced up at the balcony again and all five looked over at their neighboring side. Kangin was talking intently with another man whom looked to be very high class. What exactly was he doing in a place like this? When Kangin glanced down he quickly got up, clearing his throat excusing himself, and ran down to the stage. The rest of the performers could be seen, but Heechul had disappeared behind many of the women’s dresses. As Hankyung focused on the show, Donghae nudged him in the ribs. “I’ve arranged a meeting with Heechul after the performance. You’ll be totally alone and you can share your talent with him.”
“What did you do?!” Hankyung panicked.
“Don’t worry; it’s all going to work out!” Donghae stood up and as soon as he did he knocked over a tray of drinks over on the gentleman beside them, the one Kangin was talking to earlier.
“What exactly did the Duke say?” Heechul immediately studied Kangin’s face, ready to hear bad news, while hurriedly trying to change his outfit. He had to hurry before his cue or he'd be stranded in front of everyone possibly naked or half naked at least. Heechul was a prostitute, not a stripper, there was going to be no seeing him naked unless he was propositioned for it. He had some class, you know.
“He said that he’d be proud to invest. After that spectacular performance how could he not?” Kangin smiled, and Heechul beamed back.
“So, this mean’s tonight must be extra special. I just don’t know how I’ll capture him…” As Heechul thought about this Kangin smiled at him.
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out, this is your one ticket to becoming what you’ve always wanted to be. You’ll finally get out of here…” Kangin looked a little sad at the thought, but Heechul smiled looking down, totally missing the sadness in Kangin’s eyes.
“I’ll be able to become a real actor…”
Their cue started and Heechul jumped up, his
outfit finally changed. He glanced up at the balcony; he still didn’t know which one he was. Who was the man he’d seduce tonight? “Which one is he?” He said through his teeth to Kangin.
Kangin smiled and discreetly peaked over his shoulder. He saw the commotion going on in the balcony as Donghae tried to dry off
the Duke with a small towel. He smiled at Heechul, “He’s the one Donghae is drying off with a towel.”
Heechul sent him a confused look, and in that moment Donghae turned to Hankyung and told him to hand him another towel. Heechul glanced up, staring at Hankyung. Hankyung and his eyes met and Heechul quickly looked away. “Are you sure that’s him?” He said when he had another chance. Donghae had turned back to the Duke and began wiping at his clothes with the new dry towel.
Kangin looked quickly up and nodded. “It sure is, he’s very good looking, right?”
Heechul smiled. “Yes, he is.” He began to sing again.
“Hey you are my pinky, never cheat on me; we’re bound by the red thread. Do the shake-your-body, come and call about it, come whisper close in my ear. Come on tell me, what’s your secret?” Heechul smirked as he was lifted easily by the already prepared harness and carried to the balcony to land in front of a stunned Hankyung. “Come and shut me up with your lips.”
The song ended and Heechul turned to the crowd. “It’s my personal choice tonight and I choose…” Many men and women screamed their hopes to him and Heechul smiled, turning around and pointing directly at Hankyung. There were many disappointed sounds, and Heechul pouted, playing on their adoration. “Sorry, boys and girls, I’ve made my decision.” Heechul turned back and smiled at Hankyung. “Let’s dance, shall we?”
Before Hankyung knew it he was being hauled down the balcony. It took several seconds before Heechul could get the harness off and Hankyung was nervous the entire time waiting. A
new song had started off and the lyrics made Hankyung blush a little. “Wow you’re a sensitive one aren’t you?” Heechul teased as he danced with him to the music. Hankyung looked down at his feet every few seconds, unsure whether he was doing it right.
Hankyung was so quiet that Heechul resorted to singing the song in his ear. “Go on believe if it turns you on; take what you need until your body’s numb…”
His breathe on Hankyung’s ear sent sparks of fire down Hankyung’s spine. The only way to get rid of the intense feeling that he wanted to kiss Heechul right then and there was blurting the first thing that popped into his mind. “Donghae told you about my poetry right?”
Heechul let out a flirty laugh. “I know all about your poetry.”
“Well, I’ve never really done something like this before…” Hankyung blushed and looked down.
Heechul nodded, putting his fingers under Hankyung’s chin and lifting his face up. “Don’t worry, baby, I’m sure you’ll do fine.
Hankyung swallowed. “I hope you’re right.”
The song ended and Heechul was gone before Hankyung could even blink. It was like they had never danced. The only thing that lingered was the tingle of his breath on Hankyung’s ear as he had whispered, “Meet me in the Red Room at 7, I’ll be waiting.” He had kissed his earlobe and then he was gone.
Hankyung sighed. What was going on?
“Never fool me like a liar…be my love forever…never cheat on me.” Heechul sang the last part of the song with all the power he had. Now that he had met the Duke he wanted to impress him. He wanted the Duke to be willing to fund all his dreams. But as soon as Heechul took a breath he felt the familiar agony and the loss of oxygen. He sputtered and gasped and felt himself losing conciousness. The last thought in his mind was ‘please someone catch me.’ He fainted to everyone’s gasps of horror. Heechul, their beloved was falling from his perch high in the air. One of the
other performers, however, swiftly ran to catch him. Kangin nodded to him and Shindong carried Heechul from the room. There was silence as everyone looked to Kangin for answers. The worried look on his face didn’t help their anxiety. When too much time had passed Kangin put on a smile, a mask to hide his nervousness, “Ah, looks like Heechul was scared away! Don’t worry; we have plenty of others who would like to fill your appetite…” The music started again and everyone forgot about the mishap; everyone except for Hankyung who was still staring at the spot that the man carrying Heechul had disappeared to.
A/N: I really hope you like this chapter, some of it was tweaked like 5 times to sound right..and I still don't think I got it all right...but I hope it's not bad!! >.< lol. I put links to characters/songs for reference purposes, this is how they look in the fic! Or, to me anyway XD