(no subject)

Jun 03, 2008 21:11

It's hard to believe it's June already. I feel like the year is rocketing by so fast.

I have secured a sub position at a middle school through the end of the school year. It's a nice school, and I am liked by both the teachers, and students. In light of my frequent work with kids from the two of the major immigrant communities in Seattle, East Africans, and Latin Americans, I feel that I need to enhance my language skills. I have begun to work on strengthening my Spanish fluency, largely atrophied from under-use over the years. I also plan to begin studying Arabic, once I return from tour. The kids I deal with from East Africa speak many different languages, but, a good majority have at least some exposure to Arabic, and I feel like I can be more useful to both the kids, and the schools, if I can approach helping them with more linguistic tools at my disposal.

Thirty-five kids showed up at my informational meeting for cross country this coming fall. That's ten more than showed up last year. More incoming freshman than ever have shown interest in the sport, and, many more kids from the school have sought me out since the meeting. We are looking at having a record turn-out, our first ever summer running program, and a more successful season than ever before. I have been frantically working on all sorts of schemes, both large and small, to help maximize the awesome for the kids this year. I just feel sometimes like I am never doing enough, and that everything is gonna fall apart due to my inadequate preparation. It's only June, but already I feel like I am behind, and at some point in the near future, the wheels (or in this case, the shoes) are gonna fall off this whole thing, and it's gonna wreck.

Speaking of wrecking, either my old shoes have really failed me, or I have some sort of foot problem (stress fracture?) that is no fun at all. I may have to start hitting the bike for a bit (ick). I am so bummed.

My job, and my cross country work, have kept me at the high school often enough to cause some of the kids from my team to make fun of me for having no life. I have been pretty asocial as of late, but, It's a sad day when high school kids give me shit for it.

Finally, being in The Helm "again" is pretty fucking amazing. Never before have I been so consistently sore, and completely happy, after shows. I feel lucky to be a part of it all.

That is all for now.

Tour is so soon.

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