I just got home from tea with my brother. God it seems forever since I was on the net! Time for a bit of catching up.
Tom's funeral was last Wednesday. D and I had tea with Ruth and Heidi on the Friday before. We all wanted to catch up before the funeral. Ruth and I chose the music for the funeral - Pachelbel's "Canon" - which incidentally was D and my wedding music! But it it such a lovely piece and I don't mind a jot that it was used for Tom's funeral.
We had a lovely evening reminiscing about Tom's life. Poor Heidi is still in shock but coping well. She's a tough cookie!
The funeral went as well and any funeral can. It was a simple service with about 60 people. We went back to Heidi's for drinks and then D and I went to see his Mum and Dad who live two streets away. I know Ruth is glad that the funeral is over. All that is left is to scatter his ashes at Innes National Park, which should be in a couple of weeks time.
D, Ruth and I (plus a group of friends) went out Saturday night to see the Led Zep tribute band "The Zep Boys". Ruth really needed a night out and we had a great time. Li and Drew stayed at my place and we got to bed at 7am :O Shit, I'm too old for partying that late! I was shattered on Sunday. But it was fun and Ruth really let her hair down.
Apart from that, life has been the same old, same old. At least we have the light evenings now which makes me more inclined to do things :D
give spikestoy more *HUGS* Get hugs of your own