A Funny Story...

Jun 28, 2005 19:07

As most of you may know I work in a computer shop. My boss Charlie gave me a Brother MultiFunction Centre for my birthday (I love my boss!) and yesterday he came over with his wife Michele and young son Paddy to install it for me.

Paddy is a beautiful little boy. He has asperger's syndrome but despite this is a very loving and friendly chap and he and I get on like a house on fire.

When we enter my study Paddy immediately takes an interest in all my JM photos adorning my bookshelves. He studies them for a minute and then turns to me and says "Is that David" (my husband whom he's never met)

Michele and I burst out laughing and I explained to him that James was an actor who I admired and that he played a character called Spike. Paddy had seen SpikeyRat quite a few times so I told him that this was who Spikey was named after. He then asked why James was hugging me in the photo so I told him how I'd met him in Melbourne last year and had my photo taken with him. He thought about this for a moment and then asked the 64 million dollar question with a very concerned look on his face - "Who loves you more, Spike or David?"

ROTFLMFAO! I told him that in my dreams it was Spike but in reality it was David. He seemed to except that as okay but wanted to see a picture of David to make sure I was telling the truth!

give spikestoy more *HUGS*

Get hugs of your own
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