Jun 23, 2011 17:24
i love coffee, i drink entirely too much of it. i think i might finally get a tattoo sometime soon
i don't want to desecrate my body but i also want to pay tribute to the bear gods, so i guess its a fair trade. Haha....so ive been going to school to become an electrician, life is good, Zekey is one years old now, hes almost walking, still cant find a steady job, cutco is not working for me, broke ties with the last of my friends, im gonna miss them but there's only so much someone can take, ill be twenty four very soon which is kinda weird.
still depressed all he time, i mean zeke makes me happy and i love maddi but there is still something missing. i cant stand how aggressive and ignorant people can be.
Submission, a gift i will gladly grant
am i destined to forever fake a smile
am i destined to create small talk for the rest of my life
will i always live with this unwanted strife
to live is to struggle, to love is to cry
to miss is to dream, to laugh is to huddle in my self pity
i hope you grow to be like someone unlike me, i pray that i can show you a different path, a path that is filled with many forks and many bumps, rather then a a long damp ditch. I know you'll be fine just like me, i just hope you make good decisions pertaining to the people you associate with, i hope you refuse to trust a pretty face and and an open hand, they'll rip your heart out every time trust me buddy,
i wish you were here to see him, to see me, and realize that you had a reason to live