Dec 11, 2007 01:06
There's a very interesting article in this month's "Prevention" magazine. Apparently, exercising for an hour without stopping is LESS effective for getting rid of fat than exercising for half an hour, stopping for twenty minutes, then working out for another half hour. Granted, the type of exercise is specifically cycling, but it seems to hold true for non-cycling exercise as well, given the rest of the article and the fact the pictures accompanying it are not of cyclists but of aerobics worker-outers. And here it is, in its entirety:
"Exercisers who rested for 20 minutes halfway through an hour-long cycling session burned over 20% more fat than those who did an hour straight, reports a University of Tokyo study. A mid-workout pause appears to cause fat-burning hormones to function more effectively, say study authors. TRY THIS: Begin exercising when you get home; then prepare dinner and finish your workout as it cooks. If a 20-minute break isn't convenient, a longer one works too; researchers speculate the benefits will be similar."
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Cool, huh?