Our Christmas Feast

Dec 27, 2024 06:48

It took most of yesterday for me to recovery from our holiday.

Christmas Eve, I was so busy that I ran nearly from the time I got up and it didn’t help that I didn’t sleep worth crap the night before. I spent the morning finishing the cleaning and what not. The afternoon was spent on cooking. TBG made the jelly roll all by himself and it came out okay. It was a little crispy on the edges, but that’s okay. He spread it with lilikoi butter and the whipped cream with hide a multitude of sins

While he was doing that, I worked on the two apps (made a blue cheese-walnut short bread and toasted the wontons for the ahi), toasted the pine nuts, roasted the Brussel sprouts, fried up the pancetta, and washed dishes.

Christmas morning I baked off the shortbread, parboiled the potatoes, chopped up the sprouts (they were stir fried with some onions and garlic, then topped with the pancetta) and seasoned the rib roast. The only thing I was anxious about was the Yorkshire puddings, but they came out okay for a first try. I roasted those and the potatoes at the same time, after the roast came out, while we are having drinks and apps.

And through some Christmas magic, everything turned out just fine.

Our table

The Blue Cheese and Walnut app - highly recommend this one! Happy to share the recipe!

The filling was good, but the won ton 'chips' were too brittle and hard.

The rib roast, bakes potatoes and my Yorkshire.  I tried to make too many of them, so I skimped on the dough.  Won't do that again.  You can jsut see the tip of the sprouts at the bottom.

The Yule Log with whipped cream and pistachios.

photos, christmas 2024, food

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