Anais posted in
thefridayfive These questions were originally suggested by ganeshotaku.
1. What is the oldest object in the room with you?
2. What is the newest?
3. What is your favorite object in the room with you?
4. What is the most valuable object?
5. What is the ugliest object?
1 I’m in the study, so that’s a toughie. My birth certificate, although something of TBG’s probably even predates me.
2. Um, I guess Trouble? She’s almost nine months old.
3. My coffee cup that
nursesparkygave me many years ago. I use it every morning and think of her.
4. Valuable, that’s a relative word. What might be valuable to me might not be to you. The computer set up, I guess.
5. Again, hard to pin down. I guess that would be Harry, my pink stuffed gecko.