This and that

Sep 20, 2024 05:52

I haven't posted anything of the cats as of late, so here are the latest:

Tina being subtle.  Nursesparky thinks she's audtion for the centefold of Playcat.  She has, thankfully, turned out to be a sweet and loving cat - who would have thought that from my early posts this year.  I'm so glad we held off doing anything.

Bete Noire and her shadow.  She's been teaching Trouble the fine art of sleeping.

Little Trouble and that's her tail hanging down (along with a leg).  She has the longest and fluffiest tail I've ever seen on a cat.

Tsukimi Festival  - this autumnal festival celebrates the moon.  There is one legend of rabbits living on the moon.  This was the plate that can with our snack box this month.

And one of the cookies.  :D  There are also marshmallow bunnies!

photos, festival of the moon, cats

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