Title: Reasons to Say Thank you
Genre: Sapphire and Steel, Minions
Prompt: Write a story involving thank you cards.
My thanks to
nursesparky for playing along and for all her beta work. Love you, Woobie
Sapphire looked first up and then down the quiet residential street. It was just dawn break and very little except the birds were stirring. A young boy rode by on his bicycle, delivering papers. He stared at her and Sapphire wondered if her Victorian style dress was inappropriate for the setting. It was always so hard with American fashion.
“Why are we here, Sapphire?” Steel’s voice was right over her shoulder, but she didn’t move. She was totally open to her environment and wasn’t picking up anything.
“I don’t know.”
“We had to be sent here for a reason.”
Her attention was caught by a scrap of paper… no, not paper, an envelope. On the back was written: Da big pik maybo vugbid, in something. She held the envelope and concentrated.
“This was written by something that is made up of a various assortment of wax and dye. I believe it’s called, crayon.”
“What language is that?”
“It’s a collection of many. I think it says: To Whom it May Concern.
She opened it and scanned the thank you card inside. She smiled as she read the last line.
“What does it say?”
“Simply, it says help.” That’s when she noticed another envelope and another, all written in the same style and hand. “Someone is desperate to get attention.”
“That’s all well and fine, but to whom are we rendering aid?” Steel took a breath and closed his eyes. “I am sensing…”
“What, Steel?”
“Something very faint… from that house.” He pointed to an oddly shaped structure as out of place on this street as they were. “Something deep.”
Bob sat quietly in the corner of his room. His fellow minions didn’t seem bothered by the shadows that moved independently upon the walls. They were whispering, just quiet things, nothing too alarming, and yet Bob felt alarmed. Not just for himself, but for his fellow minions and yes, even his little human family. Something was very wrong and it had started when they began that new tunnel.
Carefully, as to not attract their attention, he scooted across the floor to where Agnes had left a stack of thank you notes and her crayons. He selected the scarlet crayon, gave his teddy a reassuring hug and carefully started to write.
Pem nama een mo de tu hep. Radbad, radbad tom pak to sama po. Or than yo ka ern to. Bob
Tomorrow morning he would get Agnes to help him address and mail it. It might be their only chance.
Finding egress into the structure proved a challenge. One portal was guarded by a creature. Sapphire said it was a dog, but Steel had his doubts. Eventually, it was through the garage that provided the way.
A simple manipulation of the control panel and they were being lowered.
“What in creation?” Steel asked as they entered a huge cavern. It seemed unlikely and yet here it was. It was possibly seven stories high and filled with scaffolding and walkways. There were all manners of tools as well as lifting and carrying devices. “What made this?”
“Them, I suspect.” Sapphire pointed to a group of yellow beings. They wore hard hats and overalls. They were so intent upon their task that they didn’t notice Sapphire and Steel at first.
When they did, they scattered with cries of “Boss, Boss!”
“We need to do what we came for and leave. Quickly.” Steel glared at the fleeing creatures. “We don’t know what shape this Boss will take.”
“Ed me?”
Sapphire looked down as the hem of her skirt was gently tugged. “Yes?” she asked the small yellow creature.
“Kaylay to po da hep?”
“Did you write that note we found?”
“Pak tos me. Ka'm Bob.”
“Tell us what you know,” Steel said, stepping closer and Bob cringed.
“Steel, you’re scaring him.”
“I’ll do a lot more than that if he’s wasting my time.”
“How can we help?”
With that, Bob grabbed her hand and dragged her away, with Steel close on her heels.
“I wish they were all that easy to fix.” Steel said, entering their compartment. “Especially the last one. Dealing with the Transuranics always leaves me feeling soiled.”
“There’s chemical reason for that, I suppose. Steel doesn’t react well with some of them.”
“Nothing reacts well with some of them.” Steel paused and picked up an envelope and smiled faintly. “I believe this is yours.”
Sapphire smiled and took the envelope. Opening it she read aloud, Than to nunu yumaft mi ichbel. Ka ern to. Bob
Steel’s hands were warm on her shoulders. “You seem to have an admirer. Should I be jealous?”
She leaned back against him, pulling strength from his proximity. “Never.”
“Good. Because there were a lot more of him than there is of me.”
Da big pik maybo vugbid, - To whom it may concern
Pem nama een mo de tu hep. Radbad, radbad tom pak to sama po. Or than yo ka ern to. Bob - We are in need of your help. Please, please say that you will come. Thank you and I love you
Ed me - Excuse me
Kaylay to po da hep? - Have you come to help?
Pak tos me. Ka'm Bob. -That was me. I'm Bob.
Than to nunu yumaft mi ichbel. Ka ern to. Bob - Thank you for saving my family. I love you. Bob. -