It’s time to start thinking about Halloween and all the critters that go bump in the night.
1. Will you buy a pumpkin to carve or just leave it uncarved for decoration?
2. When was the last time, if ever, you went trick or treating?
3. Did you or your folks ever buy into that urban legend about razor blades in candy and screen it before you were allowed to eat anything?
4. What was the ultimate ‘treat’ to get that night?
5. Be honest, did you ever trick anyone because they didn’t come across?
1. I will buy pumpkins, but leaver them uncarved so that I can roast them off after the holiday and make pies/bread/cake with them. The carving is too hard on my wrists now.
2. Gosh, I think I was in 7th grade. It was all about the candy...
3. Mine did and I have to 'pay' for them to check it... they always took a few pieces for themselves.
4. Ooo, either a homemade caramel apple or popcorn balls. So, so yummy!
5. Nope, never crossed my mind. I just wasn't of that nature, as opposed to my brother who was hell on Halloween. He was arrested three times for some of the pranks he played.