The Friday Five for June 16, 2023/ Just wondering

Jun 16, 2023 16:29

1. Can you diagram a sentence?

2. What word do you always spell wrong, no matter what?

3. What word always looks like it's spelled wrong to you but isn’t?

4. Do you have any little memory games when it comes to similar words, like principle and principal?

5. Was grammar something you enjoyed or detested in school?

1. Oh, boy, once upon a time, I could, but not anymore. Never really understood the need, especially if you were studying a foreign language, which has its own rules.

2. Would you believe mispelled? I mean, misspelled?

3. Oh my gosh, so, so many. Anything with French as a basis is looking suspect these days....

4. Tons of them. Some of them even help.

5. Grammar, not so much. English, yes.

just wondering, thefridayfive

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