Where do the days go?

Sep 12, 2022 08:01

I keep saying I’m going to post and then life gets in the way and the next thing I know, it’s a new week.

The happy news is that our heatwave has finally broken and we are going to have days in the low 80’s this week. After an entire month of (way) above average heat, this is so great to hear. I’m just hoping that the kittens survived. We still haven’t seen anything of them, but Sweetie shows up regularly for food and is looking good.

We went to see Dirty Rotten Scoundrels yesterday and I am aching today. Spending nearly three hour in those seats aren’t the best and the show wasn’t great, so no joy there... It was okay, but there was room of a lot of improvement, tech-wise. There were dark spots on the stage, missed mic cues and the set wasn’t a shining star. Costumes were good, the voices were good, and the music was spot on, but the book was so freaking long. I didn’t like Dirty Rotten Scoundrels as a movie and being a musical didn’t help.

Afterwards, we went to Jeff’s, but it was too late for a swim, so we had apps and went right into dinner. Even with that, we didn’t get home until nearly 8:30. TBG was so tired (he tied the lemon tree up yesterday), that he went straight to sleep. Usually, he reads until I fall asleep and then gets up to watch TV and/or plays on the computer. He beat me to bed and to sleep last night and got up late this morning. Tree wrangling did him in.

We had to say goodbye to a friend this week. Joan Topp was this tiny woman, but a force to be reckoned with and a great lover of the theatre. She had fallen and broken her arm, then got pneumonia. With her advanced COPD, it was all too much. I plan to make a donation to the theatre in her name. It’s hard to see friends go. She was very close with Barb, so she’s been hit with that, her dog and then the queen, all in a week. She was a mess come Saturday.

Today we get our third boosters and then next week, we’ll do the flu shots. Then that will be that out of the way. Only 70 days to go before we leave for Egypt! Not that I’m excited or anything…

theatre, friends, rip, cats

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