Yesterday, I bit the bullet and we did our baking for the season. We decided upon rum cakes, pine nut cookies, double ginger cookies and Russian tea cakes.
First out of the chute were the rum cakes and they went as planned. Really should have made the double ginger cookies next because they needed to chill for an hour, but TBG was focused upon the pine nut cookies. These aren't hard, but you need to do the first step in a double boiler and then you whip the eggs into a meringue before adding the flour. They are good, but super sticky.
The tea cakes were fast and easy, so they were next and then we tackled the ginger cookies. This has the most ingredients and it's a pain to chop up the ginger, but TBG took care of that for me.
While that chilled, we had lunch, then baked off the cookies. In all we made about 12 dozen, along with 18 rum cakes.
A sampling... the rest were in the kitchen and on the pass through. :D