A just wonderng./Friday Five for April 23, 2021

Apr 23, 2021 16:29

Spacefem wrote for the Friday five for April 23, 2021

1) Where's your favorite place to go connect with nature?

2) What's a disposable thing that you've found a use for?

3) Where does your community need de-trashed?

4) What's your favorite flower?

5) What positive change do you wish we'd all make?

1. Good question. Probably Tahiti or the Big Island. I always feel so at peace there.

2. Um, you mean, like toilet paper or a disposable item that I have reused - that would be my Dasani water bottle. I’ve been using the same one for over a year now.

3. Mostly along I-5 and all the places the homeless leave stuff behind.

4. An anthurium for looks, a plumeria for scent.

5. I wish people would all remember that we are all the same under our skin and to be more kind to each other.

just wondering, friday five

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