Dec 10, 2007 12:46
I used to be SUCH a frequent, dedicated LJ-er. Now I'm all... bleh--whatever. I have nothing to say, nothing to rant, nothing to babble about...
Okay. Couldn't keep that one going for long. Talk about a bucket of crap! Truthfully? I've just been lazy! I've ALWAYS got something to go on about. This is deplorable that I don't ramble at you like I usually do. Okay. Thanksgiving!!! Who had a nice Turkey Day? Talk at me, people :) I actually want to hear all about what you did, what you ate (yes, besides the obvious ritual sacrifice), do you like pie, what'd you argue about, do you agree with that so-called "new finding" that it's not actually turkey that makes you sleepy and instead it's all the booze, preparation and stress that does (I still think it's the turkey), and are the men in your house just as lazy and frustrating as the ones in mine? Oh! Oh! And Martha Stewart can skewer herself and roll around on one of those roll-y kabab thingy things over Hell's fire!!! Although she does have some good turkey-baking tips. But dude, I would never make my own pumpkin pie. She's crazy. There's a lovely Marie Callender's just down the road--why go to the effort of fucking up your own pie when you can actually eat a real, better than homemade, tastes like actual food, yummy one that is GOOD? That's what *I* said!! Who prefers white meat? Who likes the dark meat? I love 'em both! OH! Starbucks has their peppermint white chocolate mochas again, although I think they said they have them year-round, so never mind. But I got a coupon thinger for a free one last night 'cause the bastards forgot to put the peppermint in--this is the SECOND time that's happened. Shameful. If I'd known I could get a free drink out of it, I'd complain more often ;)
Final note before I let ye talk amongst yaselfs--Captiony Fun is done. At least this installment is. Just going to do my final run-thru and ask myself "WHY? WTF? NO!!!" before I post. This has got to be the stupidest, out-there, lamest, dumbest, most retarded of the cringey that you can possibly imagine... I can't even believe the bullcrap that comes from my mind sometimes. I mean, I SEEM perfectly normal, right?
Smoochies to you and to all your parakeets, kitties and puppies.