Memeage: 7 Things

Sep 20, 2007 04:21

Yes--OMG she's back again whoa.

*yawn* Back AND exhausted, I might add. Got a migraine yesterday and that's always a severe joyride. Don't ya love it when fifteen bottles of Advil do absolutely NOTHING for a headache designed specifically by Satan himself? 'Cause... wow.

So meme's here 'cause I was tagged by bloodytearslife and she's probably wondering WTF is wrong with me and why the hell I haven't done it because she freaking tagged me first and everyone else she tagged has already finished theirs by two weeks ago. Bleh.


1. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
2. Tag seven people to do the same.
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."

Is it just me, or are the people who make these things up getting a LITTLE testy? I mean, what if I want to say I tag "whoever wants to do it"? Well???? Are they just gonna fire me from LJ or something?? THHHHHHPPPPPTTHHHHH!!!!!

Don't mind me--it's the Satan Headache, you see. But I make a good point, no?

1. I have an obsession with chapstick. True, it's partially because I like my lips to be moist and kissable 90.7% of the time, but that's not the scary part. The scary part is that I have to either have it on my person or very nearby my person or I get a little twitchy. Even when I'm wearing lipstick and even lip GLOSS I have to have my chapstick in my makeup bag, in my purse, with me... just because. I know! There's already something on my lips, for God's sake! Why do I need to have chapstick with me? It makes no sense! But I just do. And I really love the Flava-Craze assortment with the grape, fruit craze (which is watermelon) and blue crazeberry flavors--omg, those smell and taste sooooooo yummy!!! *nod* So sad.

2. I'm afraid of the dark. I have been for, like, ever. And I used to put up with trying to sleep in the dark for years and since I'm a light sleeper... damn, it sucked to wake up and think I'm seeing Michael Myers standing in my room. Or that creepy little bitch from The Ring. *shudder* So I started taking to falling asleep with my light on, until my wonderful mom informed me this was no way to sleep and bought me a little bedside lamp with a very dim 3-way bulb. A glorified nightlight, yayz! So I sleep quite soundly with my very soft little lamp and wonder why I ever put up with the pitch dark all those years. Damn monsters. Who do they think they are? And I finally accepted it: Hi, my name is Nibblet and I'm afraid of the dark. And how much more bizarre is it that I love nighttime as much as I do? Hey, I never claim to make sense.

3. When I'm talking to someone I don't know and/or feeling awkward, I snap my tongue against the roof of my mouth--kind of like a "tsk, tsk" sound. I do this a lot. Waaaaaaaay too much. To Valley Girl proportions. I honestly have no idea why I do this, and I even denied I did until both my mom and my brother vehemently insisted I do--and even pointed it out right after I'd gotten off the phone with Pizza Hut. Then I started noticing just how often I do it. It's really annoying.

4. I cannot clasp my bra in the back like a normal chick. Never been able to. Trust me--I've tried. If I can't see what I'm doing, I could stand there for half an hour. I just can't seem to manage it. I have to put the damn thing on front-ways and hook it and then slide it around to the back. For a while when I was a teenager I had a front-clasp bra, but those freakin' things never stayed clasped and I'd be walking around the grocery store and it would pop open suddenly and I had to maintain a poker face. But yeah--I think ONE time I managed to just slap the bra on and magically hook it from behind, but never since.

5. I have this huge thing about dishes cluttering up the sink. OMG, it drives me nuts. Yeah, you think--okay, dirty dishes go in the sink. I'm basically fine with that, so long as it's the bigger soaking sink, not the smaller main one the faucet hangs over. That one is the place where I rinse everything off and I WANT IT KEPT CLEARED OUT FOR SAID REASON!! If people pile all their dirty, crapped-on dishes in that sink, I can't do a damn thing when it's time to load the dishwasher and it irritates the spit out of me. We have counter space aplenty, so nothing drives me more batty then when my dad makes this huge A-1 steak saucey mess with three gynormous plates dripping with peppercorns and then tosses said plates in that teeny sink and of course since they don't fit, all the sauce is splooging over the divider and mixing with water droplets and making a great grand beautiful disaster and I've got to create an impressive gymnastics routine to balance everything so I can remove it from said sink and proceed to clean it all up. Yes, calling Dr. Phil tomorrow, btw. Ranting about a kitchen sink is definitely a sign of insanity :)

6. I detest spiders. You have no idea just how deep and how twisted my hatred is for spiders. I don't give a rat's ass if they keep the bug/fly population down. I could care less, frankly. They're devious, cunning, crafty little bastards and I am not joking. I've watched them, observed them, hunted them and if I didn't hate them so very much, I would admire them BECAUSE they're so clever. I have never seen an insect (YES! I'm calling them insects! HA! See if I care that they have 8 nasty little hellacious legs! They're insects! So nyeh!) with such a stubborn will to live, to survive, such persistent self-preservation driven to such ridiculous limits--all in disturbingly complex attempts to seek out every last available option to escape. These are thinking, problem-solving little freaks and it's just not right. However, I do have a policy: I will not kill them in their habitat, on their turf. Whatever my personal vendetta, I'm not THAT person. But--they come into MY house, MY car, it's my turf, then it's fair game. And I'm not a pretty person when that happens.

7. Back when I was 10 or 11 (maybe even 12), I really, really wanted to be a mermaid. It was shortly after I'd seen Splash and The Little Mermaid and I honestly thought I was destined to be a mermaid. I spent most my summers at our apartment swimming pool and loved it, but darn these legs. So there was one night I was taking a bath and I thought about Madison relishing being her "true" self in the bath one night when Alan was asleep. So I figured what better place to turn into a mermaid than the bath, right? Granted, I should have grabbed some salt on the way in, but then I would've had some explaining to do. I did the next best thing. I pressed my legs together, squeezed as hard as I could, and closed my eyes. I was destined to be a mermaid, right? So it was GOING to happen. I never really thought about how I was gonna get to the ocean after I turned into my mermaid self... I just figured my mom would drive me. She'd understand. Strange that after about 10 minutes, nothing happened. I was undaunted. I decided to pray. To God. I was a good Christian girl who had been pretty good my whole life--he had no reason NOT to make me a mermaid. So I sat there with my legs pressed together and prayed my guts out and begged to be made a mermaid. I seriously believed God would do it. Scary! I can't remember at what point someone figured out what I was doing, but someone did eventually and I just sat there and insisted that God was going to make me a mermaid and I didn't care what they said. Thank God that God was probably laughing his holy ass off at me, because if he had indulged me even for a few minutes, I wouldn't be able to have the sexies with the Jamesness.

Not that I'm high in the running NOW, but you catch my drift :)

Righty-o! I tag: pixiegirl131415, bluedeception, jamalov29, operavampirate, missus_grace, cutecrazyfred, and effulgent_girl

Oooh. Get this. James' Q&A this month? A question I submitted FINALLY got posted! I was all squealing and cheering when I saw it there, then I saw his answer and my heart dropped about 20,000 feet and shattered into a million pieces, lol. Check it out:

** If you could say one thing to Spike, give him a piece of advice, and/or converse with him about anything... what would you choose and why?

Get over Buffy - you deserve better! (laughs) **

D'oh!! It bleeds! It burns! My Spuffy heart! Oh, the pain... the humanity!! I so should have seen that one coming, but I didn't. I seriously didn't. I was thinking more along the lines of him saying he'd tell Spike it was okay to be a fool for love, a poet, maybe give him props for being so sexy.... but no! He goes and says the ONE THING that would kill me ded. So ironic, mmmmm?

Well, I love ya like mad, James Darling, but Spuffy Forever, my friend. Spuffy Forever. So put that in your Red Bull and chug it :)

james' q&a, read with caution, memeness

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