For today is when the world was graced with
bloodytearslife!!!! *uber glomptastic hugs* Happy Birthday, Honey! You are by far one of the most incredibly talented and creative people I know, and you never fail to take my breath away with your gifts to the fandom. It's truly inspiring. And if that weren't enough, you're such an awesome person to boot. You can always make me laugh no matter what kind of a day I'm having or what sort of mood I'm in, and I never feel like a pain in the ass for this inane babbling thing I do, 'cause you're one of the few who actually seems to ENJOY it ;) *loves you* So thank you for being the beautiful and amazing woman you are and I hope your birthday showers you with joy and all your wishes come true (in the case of the Pacific NW, clearly it's taking the "shower" part literally...*eyeroll*). You deserve it! (The wishes coming true thing, not the rain thing.)
And OMG. You know my obsession with Deal Or No Deal? Well, it was pre-empted last night because of the stupid Blazer game (no one gives a shit about the Blazers anymore, NBC!! Their glory days were so 4 years ago...) and my bro and I managed to catch DOND at - get this - 3:30 am. *eyeroll* Thank goodness we're night owls or there would have been some unhappy Nibblet when she found out about missing her show because of a frickin' BLAZER pre-emption. Anyway. I was totally screaming at the TV 'cause this guy kept gambling when, IMHO, he should have stopped. I'm a risk taker to a degree, but when it gets down to only 1 in 4, or even worse, 1 in 3 odds... you need to quit. Especially when Mysterious Banker Boy Of Eternal Darkness is offering you $67,000 and then $99,000 to admit defeat and hang up your penis. And I like how the Harem of Eyecandy acts sooooooo bummed out when each contestant accidentally trips up and picks HER uber-dollar amount briefcase. Like she really cares? Honestly. I'd have more respect for them if one of them would just pipe up and demand a cut of her briefcase amount when it's sizable. After all, she did all the work of standing there, being hot, and opening it. It only seems fair. *cough* But yeah. I'm so hooked on this show it's criminal. And I'm not the only one! The greatest thing? It doesn't require ANY skill. You don't have to be smart. You don't have to be skilled in any way. You don't even have to know how to READ. *giggle* Not that I recommend it, but... just sayin'. It's all LUCK. Strategy? Nope. Except for the dumbtards who don't know when to pull out when the deal's good. I don't know why I'm so addicted. But I don't care, 'cause it's totally a SAFE drug. I can stop anytime :)
Oh, and Carson Daly? Why does this imbecile have a talk show? Have you guys SEEN this tool? Oh. My. God. It's literally painful to watch him - PAINFUL. If you didn't know better, you'd think his talk show was a spoof of a talk show. I think he knows he's just not entertaining and funny and he tries to make up for it by being cute and vaguely amusing and that just makes it worse. It's, like, dude! If you know your show bites, then show some respect for those of us who have been subjected to your tyranny and just go back to MTV. Being a VJ does not mean you're cut out for the talk show circuit. It means you can stand in one place and introduce music videos. Yay for you. See, we went thru this with Seacrest. Some people are only interesting when we see them only once every few minutes. And even then...
Mmmmm. Switching gears before I crash for a bit. I love the episode "Destiny". It's just so... yeah. Aside from the obvious Spike-centric way of it, and the deep metaphorical undertones and awesome writing and directing and fantastically beautiful look and flow of the ep, well - I love the fact that Spike kicks Angel's ass. I love that he wins in the end. It so doesn't even matter that the prize wasn't what he expected, because just the fact that he kicked the crap out of Angel and WON by a long haul speaks volumes. Spike DID deserve it more. If I were an Angel fan - well, I should say if I were an Angel LOVER because I do have much fandom for Angel, it's just not an OMG!SQUEE sorta thing as per my Spike/James fangirl thing :) Not to mention my love for Spike is based on a deep abiding understanding, empathy and passion for the character, whereas with Angel it's more based on intense LIKE for the character. I never wished any ill on Angel, but he really pulled some cheap shots and it felt damn good to finally see Spike give him what-for. And I can't listen to Linkin Park's song 'Numb' without thinking about the wickedly brilliant vid that Gigi made based on this episode. Heard it on the radio this morning and that's what cooked up all this musing. *pets Spike* We love you, baby!
PS: Can anyone snag me a song online? Anyone got the resources, I mean? See, I suck :(
PPS: Happy Birthday again to the Birthday Girl!! *blows noisemaker*