Firstly, my deepest and most devastated apologies to the sweetest
jessica_312, whose birthday was on Sunday. *falls to her knees and bawls* Happy Belated, darling.... I hope it was spifftastic? I was thinking about you all day. And even on Saturday when I was eating my DAD'S birthday cake and stuff. Yeah. I just couldn't get online and even if I could
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*koff* Okay, what does it say about me that that's the first thing I noticed about this comment?
But seriously. That pic. The eyefuck. And James with his hair all brown and wavy and professor-ly--and his clothes! James in Prada is freaking hot, but James in the middle of a Honduras rain forest, standing in front of a rustic cabin with Rosenbaum (or however you spell his name)? How do they expect us to NOT think porny thoughts?
Maybe it's just because I haven't seen him wear 'em that often--but James should wear rugged outdoorsy clothes all. the. time.
Or, you know, nothing. That'd work too.
Dude, if I see Flex fic, I won't just scream at you, I'll stalk you on every single online device known to man till you read it. *g*
Hey sweetie punkin boo!!! *frowns* Okay, that was a bit on the nauseating side, hmmm?
BWAH!! Okay, when I drop this whole "She Who Was Formerly Selene_90" thing? That is going to be my name. It's that insane. *loves you to death*
Hey, not looking any different now than how you looked when you were 18 means that you're going to look young for a damn long time! That's 8 whole years--so think about it, when you do hit 30, you'll only look 22 at the oldest! Almost still young enough to get carded.
You are NOT a crapweasel! If I didn't have you, WHO would I obsessively fangirl about James with? You are the only person who actually rants for longer than I do. *tackles you with hugs* And we both know I'm a layout whore, so being allowed to play in your layout is just plain fun! Seriously, I had a ball figuring out layers and customizing this. It was a blast. And the tweaking is good too, because I sort of suck at colors usually--I need practice! So you see? It's a good thing. You rock.
Off to do the purple thing. And possibly write Flex. If the Wincest will ever leave my brain.
...speaking of which, have you watched SPN? Because it's great. Pretty boys. And the Wincest is even better. It's the crack fandom of DOOM.
Also, did you head about the smutbox wank? There's a comm for loony smutbox-based WB RPS now, and you should totally join. We need more people! (that I know, anyway. hee!) Everyone over there is CRAZY, and it's going to be a ton of fun. *is not-so-subtly pimping* smutbox
Okay, that was a LOT of ordering around...*ducks head*
Now join the pr0ny insanity. You know you want to...
Oh you are soooo in my camp in the lust over that delicious eyefuck pic. It's just pulsing with hotness. Note the icon? Inspired by you! I was totally going freakout when I saw those sexalicious pics of James doing his rugged outdoorsy hunk of man thang. I sooo love him in khaki - loved it in Buffy when they had Spike wearing the cargo pants and dark green sweater.... and the dockers with that gorgeous dark brown leather jacket in Crush..... GUH!!!! The man is just made for khaki. 'Nuff said.
*giggle* You would really do that? Go by "Sweetie Punkin Boo"??? OMG, you crack me up!! *cuddles you* I just started cooing to myself and I was so filled with the Elena-adoration and hence the pet name evolved. I'd say it's very fitting. And how! I have rather remarkable pet name dubbing capabilities. I stand in awe of myself, really.
I love you for the telling me I will not age much in the coming years. I should shut up, I know - seeing how good both my mom and grandma look, but I think it's more the fact of what I haven't accomplished than the actual numeric age that's really freaking me. But... I've got WONDERFUL devoted friends and all my limbs and all the James loving and worship I could ever hope for without ever having MET the man-god, so I'll try not to bitch too much anymore till big fat ugly birthday is actually here. There. So it has been said, and I wonder just how long I'll be able to obey. I never caught on to rules. Laws and boundaries are meant to be broken, crossed, and mooned as regularly and sassily as possible. Oh, and as immaturely.
I do thank the STARS that I have you, my little boo bug. For I've come across some pretty disconcerting people who I cannot relate to who really truly chap my ass when it comes to James. I just don't get chicks who totally dig Spike, yet are all "meh...whatever" about James. The man made Spike what he is, but he's so much more than just the blonde hair and accent that made Spike the sexalicious icon we all adore! He's a brilliant actor (duh), beautiful man (duh), intelligent and deliciously charming personality who just embodies life and energy and sex appeal all over and I can love him and Spike separately and equally at the same time and I just don't understand shallow-minded women who only see and lust Spike!!!! *breathes* It's a thing. What can I say? I mean, I can sorta understand, but I love James so much that I get all fired up and unreasonable and huffy like I am right now. You understand.
So yeah. Always nice to have girls who are in the big love for James AND Spike camp.
I've checked out SPN a couple times and been intrigued, though I've been on semi-boycott of the WB for quite some time now (with the exception of Smallville of course) 'cause after they broke the rules and bagged Angel, I was only on an even keel because they ran Buffy reruns every Sunday afternoon and therefore afforded me a weekly fix and the knowledge that new fans could be enlightened and it was all joy for me. Then the buttstains had to go and take my precious reruns off the air and that's when I REALLY unleashed it. What was my point? I don't think I had one other than yeah - I've seen a couple eps of SPN and the boys are pretty. Of course, it's hard to look at Jensen Ackles being all intense and in a pretty decent-looking drama after knowing him from 'Days Of Our Lives' when I was in high school ;p (ARRRRGGGHHH!! The age thing again!!! LOL...) But from what I've seen... he's certainly a much better actor than what soaps can do for one's range. Also, pretty. And bwahahaha!!! Wincest. That's bloody brilliant. Had to IMDb that one since I didn't know the boys' names, but OMG was it worth the laugh!!! *squeezes you* Oh gawd how do I love thee...
(continued... *beats the tar outta LJ*)
Of course I would! For awhile, anyway. =P Tell you what--you write Flex fic, and I will TOTALLY go by that name for awhile. People's reactions would crack me the hell up.
Aww, thank you!! I completely get your worry about getting older. I think everyone goes through it to some extent. My older sister's turning 20 this year and she's freaking out about it. ;) And hey, look at it this way--Da Marsters is what, 43? And he still looks good!
I do not understand only lusting after Spike. It's JAMES, dude. And while I wasn't exactly loving the whole no hair thing, now that it's grown back and he's wearing khaki and being a sexy evil robot he looks DAMN GOOD. *goes off to ogle the pictures again*
You saw The Ackles on Days of Our Lives? o.O LMAO!! I would pay to see that.
Yep, the boys are pretty pretty, and the plot is completely idiocy at least mildly interesting. *is a fandom whore* But yeah, the name "Wincest" cracks me up. =D
It's a deal! I've already been having the Flex wheels turning in my head for what I want to write, so with all these brainstormed notions flooding my noggin, it shouldn't take too much with the writing from here on out. I'll keep you informed of my progress. In fact, you'll probably be the first to read ANYTHING I come up with, being that I've never posted ANYTHING online before and the thought of doing so isn't exactly appealing. It may just be for your eyes only :p
OMG, your sis is freaking about turning 20???? God I would die to be 20 again! But see, I guess it's all relative. And yeah, Pretty Pretty Marsters is 43 and looking fine as ever. God help me if I turn 43. The universe may implode from my bitchfit.
I knew you'd be with me on the whole "James vs. Spike" thing. I too didn't really dig the buzz cut, but I still thought he was beautiful and was able to see a silver lining by way of his cheekbones being more enhanced. Heh. Thing is, he's always gonna be JAMES and I love JAMES. And now that he's got the Hair of Sex back it's all just GUH all over again. The man is a god and there ain't no getting around it. *follows your drool to the pretty khaki piccies*
LOL, oh yeah. I watched Days almost religiously with my BFF in high school. Ackles has always been a cutie, but yeah.... a little too good for that show, even though the irony is now whenever I look at him all I can see is Eric Brady and it's all ARRRGGGGHHH. Maybe I should watch SPN more, see if I can't get Sami's brother out of my brain and focus on the hot Wincest action ;)
Yep, the boys are pretty pretty, and the plot is completely idiocy at least mildly interesting.
LMAO!!!!! *tackles you* Oh god how I love you. You know that, right? 'Cause you need to know that :)
I definitely think it's all relative. She's the oldest in our family, so of course she doesn't have a sibling to roll their eyes and tell her to shut up--whereas no matter how old I get, she'll be telling me that she's older, so I can sit down and be quiet. *g*
The James/Spike thing: word word wordy mcword. People are weird.
Heeee. I've never watched daytime soaps, but it always cracks me up when people do. They're so corny--but at the same time, when there's shows like American Idol winning ratings, I'm tempted to just forego nighttime TV for daytime.
YESYESYES you should. Seriously, that show is CRACK. Of the best kind. *nudges you* But again, if you don't want to, you totally don't have to.
Aww. Love you too, sweetie!!
So I totally dig the colors/layout in a far out way. You make my eyes sing, baby. Lovin' it!! Could you do one more thing for me or will you want to skin me and roll me around in salt 'cause I keep pumping you for more and more...? Okay, that came out totally wrong. Could you make the font size just a tad smaller? Maybe 13 or 12. Just want to see if that would be way too small and again - if I just need to shut my cake hole. I would have changed it myself, but after the color incident, I just don't dare do anything without your blessing.
*bellyflops into the mud puddle*
Okay, then. ;)
OMGICON. *ded*
I checked out smutbox and holy crap those people ARE insane. I've never been part of a RPS comm so would I have to totally dive in head first right away, or could I lurk for a while and just enjoy the dirtiness of everyone else till I choose to join in and get myself naughtied up even more so than usual?
And you needn't feel sheepish for pimping, you lovely little whore, you! I love it, and I say it again - LOVE it when you pimp. It does the body good :)
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