Can you handle more Jamesy-Smallville glee? 'Cause I have an informational meme as well.

Nov 11, 2005 11:44

Yeah. Smallville is the SHIT. James is Teh Sex. I am very tired. This usually spells trouble, but what are ya gonna do? I got sorta tagged for a meme (yes, I'm still alive, Sarabs...and still sucking at life) and I just wanted to squee my little fangirly wahoo about my boy ruling the WB once more last night. You know it's true. And you know what? To save another moogly-googly repeat of what everyone else has been giddying about last night and today, if you want to know what I thought of the episode, just go check out nyghtpet's "Blow-By-Blow" commentary of it on her LJ. She and I think VERY much alike, so much alike it's scary sometimes, so it's pretty much echoing my own POV on this way Fine Divine eppy. Marsters is simply amazing. Never ceases to be an absolute thrill to watch. And SCENE STEALER!!! Mwahahahaha!!! Yeah! Love it :D Now if they'll just show that uber-short clip from the season 5 trailer where he's sorta pressing his hands on his ship and then he flings them outward suddenly... you know what I'm talking about? Looked kind of, I don't know... ritualistic? Watch the trailer again - look closely. I refer to it as the "Fine seals his ship" shot, but I really have no clue in hell what he's doing. All I know is it looks damn hot. *blink* Well, everything he does looks damn hot :> My brother thinks it could be a deleted scene, which pisses me off. I wanna see Fine do the ship-sealy thingy. Or whatever.

Me? Obsessed with his hands? Never... Heh. Oh, and it's official. Whenever Fine does something Spike-similar, it will henceforth be known as a "Spine". *squishies nyghtpet* If we're the only Fine fangirls who occasionally see Spike, then we'll just be crazy together. Strength in numbers, yay!! But we're open to more Spines. Consider the welcome mat always out. Now I'm going to stop being weird. Onto meme-fun!

Two Names You Go By
(Um, what do you mean by "go by"?? FBI investigation, much?)
1. Rebecca (death will come swiftly to those who dare to call me Becky...*gag**shudder*)
2. Almighty Ruler (is there a problem with this one?)

Two Parts of Your Heritage
(Isn't LiveJournal supposed to be racially tolerant? Geez.)
1. Irish (*hiccup*)
2. English (Word up.)

Two Things That Scare You
(No fair....)
1. Ghosts (you ever seen a ghost? then shaddup and let me be scared!)
2. Myself (heh... well, it's true)

Two of Your Everyday Essentials
(I assume you mean BESIDES sleeping and peeing?)
1. Laughter (I'm serious! Err...I mean--lol!!)
2. TV (it's my brother's fault - he keeps buying DVDs)

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now
(*snort* Oh you SO asked for this one, Sarabs...)
1. Panties (unlike SOMEONE I know :p )
2. A grin (heehee, Spike is cute)

Two of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artists
(Gee, how breathtakingly original can this get?)
1. Nirvana ('nuff said)
2. James Marsters (yeah, you know what? 'cause it's true)

Two Things You Want In a Relationship
(Uhh.. who said I want a relationship?)
1. Understanding (like, reading-my-LJ-and-liking-me-even-more-afterward type)
2. Passion ("because great love... is wild and passionate and dangerous" - you know, what Spike said)

Two Favorite Movies
(Ack, do I hafta?)
1. Titanic (SHUT UP, I have my reasons)
2. Mulan (chicks rule!)

Two Things You Hate
(Well now, hate's kind of a strong word, isn't it? I don't think I really HATE anything; I strongly dislike certain things, but hate? Ahem. Yes, moving on...)
1. Self-righteousness (really, who made THEM God?)
2. Coconut (what's the point of its existence? I strongly dislike onions, but at least I understand that they give certain foods good flavor)

Two Physical Things That Appeal to You
(Aww, just two?)
1. Hands (I'm a hand whore, yay!)
2. Well, duh - EYES... everyone always says eyes. Unless the person has depth-less eyes.

Two of Your Favorite Hobbies
(Wow, I got nothin'...)
1. Watching my brother play Resident Evil on his Game Cube. (it's more fun than it sounds)
2. I need to get some more hobbies.

Two Things You Want Really Badly
(*doesn't even need a setup yet I write one anyway...*)
1. James Marsters (heard of him? :D )
2. Spike (he's a vampire, not human and therefore NOT James so I'm not cheating here so :p!!)

Two Places You Want to go on Vacation
(I get a vacation?)
1. Hawaii (loser!me has never ever been there)
2. New York City (I figure, go visit Amy, catch the Tonight Show, get mugged...good times!)

Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die
(What's with all this "two things" crap?)
1. Get my ass to see James in concert with THE WORKS (meeting, greeting, possibly lots of fevered sex...)
2. Have more than enough money to let my entire family take a load off for the rest of their lives (I plan to do this legally, by the way)

Two Ways That You Are Stereotypically a Chick/Guy
(I'm a chick/guy??? Cool!!!)
1. I talk WAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY too much. (proven once again HERE)
2. I have a thing with being pretty. I like to look pretty. If I look like one of the Garbage Pail kids then I do NOT want the outside world seeing me. I can deal with looking tolerable, but scary!me is just unacceptable. It's a thing. I don't buy into the whole "you're 25, you've got youth on your side!" Dude, when I was 13 I could look pretty damn scary after a long night. We're ALL capable of looking hella freaky sometimes. *cough* But I digress :)

Two Things You Normally Wouldn't Admit
(Huh. Weird. Normally I would admit to anything!)
1. I once shipped Bangel, but I got over it when Blondie Bear came strutting onto the scene (THANK GOD)
2. I don't like my profile (my face from the side, I mean)... I'm pretty much fine with my looks except for my profile. I think it's odd. I would have made a great vampire, though :D

Two People I Would Like to See Take This Quiz
(This was a QUIZ???)
1. amybnnyc (where ye be, girl?? talk at me!)
2. bloodytearslife (a little something to keep ya busy while I get that photo cappy post put up)

Oy!! Fun was had, yes. So I bid you *ta* till I get my booty back here with my next goobery mound of "too much time on her hands"... lol.

ETA: This meme-quiz thinger is open to anyone who wants to do it, btw. I just had to RANDOMLY select two of my peeps because the little brat would only allow two. It's all obsessed with coupling. But I heartily welcome everyone to join in the fun and spill the dish! *snort* And mwah :)

james, smallville, meme

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