Dec 19, 2003 16:13
So its like a week and Half till i leave.. Ive realised seeing as if im my own.. i dont have any family or any friends to fall back on.. so i cant afford to FUCK up.. haha yea right.. i will.. ahahahahahaha... im gonna end up broke within a few months if i dont find a job :/.. Oh well what can ya do.. i'll probalry freeze to death, in the winter anyways...
So i forget my keys today, so i had to climp threw a window, that hurt, and i broke another window in the process.. so thats put me in a shitty mood.. Im so fucken tired.. my trip is getting so close, that nervous are sitting in.. i guess the main, thing is im gonna spend most of it alone.. ive got that week with Stacey.. but i dont expect her to have much to do with me afterwards.. she wont have much time with me for that week im there, im wondering why she doesnt just me to go away, or to just give up on me.. everybody else seems to.. oh well what can ya do..
I know i have alot more things to say.. but i wont borther, its a no win suituation with people.. i should just go not borther.. if something good happens in Canada it does, if not well it much different from my life here.. id like to smile.. it would b nice.. someone make me laugh :/ anyone