Obsessed doesn't even begin to describe it...

May 14, 2006 21:44

So here's me with more thoughts on Supernatural. Yeah, I know. This obsession is approaching epic proportions, at least from my end. But they say that the first step is admitting you have a problem. So...here goes.

*clears throat* My name is Laura, and I'm a Supernaturalaholic.

That done, on to my thoughts...

So many things to say, but where to begin? As always, let's start with Devil's Trap. Specifically, demon!Dad telling Dean his family didn't need him like he needed them. At the time something about that bothered me. Not on an emotional level (well, it did, but that's not the point of this post) but rather on a continuity level. When I first watched the season finale, that was right out of left field for me. But I've since pondered the idea, as I'm inclined to do. I remember watching Scarecrow back when it first aired. After the brothers split up, Sam's stuck in the bus station, and he says something to the effect of "I wish I had a car." Dean's in Burkitsville (sp?) trying to convince pagan god's upcoming sacrifices not to be quite so eager to eat all the town's offerings. He says something like, "Boy, if my brother were here, he would just have to smile at you and you'd listen to every word we said." It occurred to me at the time that it was like they were trying to show the parts of the brothers that were weak when the other wasn't there. For Dean, it was something emotional, something integral to getting the job done: having people trust, and believe him. For Sam, it was something as simple as travel. It wasn't until this all occurred to me that I realised that the part in Devil's Trap that rankled me actually made perfect sense.

Another big point (by my standards) that I realised happened during Shadow. The really emotional, squee! inducing moment when Sam starts talking about what he would have done if it had all ended that night: He says he wants to go back to school. He prompts Dean to think about what he would do if it ended, and Dean replies with: "It's never going to end. There'll always be something to hunt."
Then later, I think it was in Salvation, John starts talking about how he wants Sam to go to school, and Dean to have a home. He says he just wants it to be over. Am I way outta line in assuming that means when ceiling demon dies, Daddy Winchester will hang up his shot gun and crucifix? I was always under the impression he'd be hunting until he died, but that episode made me wonder. If I'm correct in my assumptions, it would mean that John and Sam would go back to normal lives, and Dean would continue to hunt. But Dean's said a few times that he needs to be around his family. Would he be able to keep hunting, if it meant he was on his own? Am I reading way too much into the situation? Probably.

Last thing I want to mention is the Impala, pre-Devil's Trap. I've read a few different fics where Dean sort of inherited the Impala from John, something that remained unproven until Dean Man's Blood. Before that ep, I'd always sort of bucked the idea, thinking it would be cool if the Impala was something Dean bought on his own, saved up his money and restored it and made it workable again. Of course, that idea has no basis anymore, I don't even know why I mentioned it. The point is I was watching the pilot again the other day, and I realised at the end of the flashback with Mary's death, John, Dean and Sam are sitting on the hood of a car. It's the freaking Impala! I thought that was so cool. I'm sure everyone else noticed it long ago, I can be a little slow sometimes.

Anyways, I should probably wrap this up about now, before someone calls the men in the white coats. Please let me know if anyone agrees/disagrees with any of this, if only to let me know I'm not simply talking to myself.
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