Bday Party

Jul 10, 2009 10:07

Ok, my Bday is fast aproching and i wanted to post agin inviting everyone out. the stuff will be starting with friday the 17th with dinner out at a yet to be determind location on grand most likely. I am thinking King and I but if there are people of limmited budjget that would like to attend i may switch this to somthing simpler like Qdoba, I am looking to do this around 6 or 7 depending on arival times of those coming to town. (So far only Snakes has RSVPed) i would like to fallow this with a stop at the Hookha bar on grand Petra for desert drinks and of course Hookha,

Saturday during the day is still a bit open posibly go play some pool to prep for the nights tourniment. Dinner will be a light early dinner at about 530, from there it is off to the Bad Dog the pool touniment will start at 7, and they will be offering Shot specials with 100% going to my favorite charity Stray Rescue, the shop in the Bad Dog has also agreed to donate 25% of there sales to the charity as well.

I have envited my Pool league team and others from the league to attend they are mostly str8 people and have never been to the bar but are willing to come out to show me suport. I also may have some people from the Stray Rescue comming in including our founder Randy Grim.

Randy Grim is a very highly respected in the animal in the animal rescue world having wrote many books, done many TV spots, hosts his own radio show, are just some of his aclaims.
he is the auther of "Don't Dump the Dog: Advice from America's Favorite Dog Rescuer" "Miracle Dog" and is the subject of the book "the man who talks to dogs" he has another book about to come out that is yet unreleased and he may be bringing in some special addition pre releases of the book for raffle to benift the charity.

if you would like to read more about Stray rescue or Randy hear is a link to the website

if you would like to attend any or all of the event please email me or call me to let me know so i can keep you up to date on any changes that may happen and to plan for you being there.

thank you all

Robert "Spike" Norton
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