My flag boy and your flag boy

Aug 08, 2007 00:06

Was sittin' by the fire
My flag boy told your flag boy
"I'm gonna set your flag on fire."
Hey, now (hey now) Hey now, (hey now)
Iko-iko an dey (yeah)
Chakko mo fino, ah-nah-ney
Chakko mo fi-nah-ney

Okay..this is me being happy. I've been helping a friend do a bit of game designing. He's sixteen, and really enthusiastic, and I have to give a kid credit for being excited about something besides getting high, getting laid, getting laid and high, or getting out of jail.

Anyhoo, I've done up some graphics for his game, and wanted to show off a bit here.

I can't tell you much now, but it is a fantasy game inspired in part by Warlord and I suspect in part by old-skool Warcraft..or maybe Risk.

And of course, there are orcs.

AWWWW COME ON! Did you think anybody would get outta here alive without first hearing ORC-RELATED NEWS!?

Here's the flag for the orcs. You might say it was inspired by an icon from my youth.

And yeah..I DO intend to update my comic IF my PC ceases its playing-up on me.


In non-orc related rants, my PC's been playing up on me. I finally got round to DLing Windows XP Service Pack 2 and it has raised havoc with my drivers ever since. I think I finally nipped the issue in the bud, but only time will really tell. I suspect deep within the bowels of my machine, new gremlins are spawning.


Here's the part where Spike vents.

It's about money, really. I don't mind so much that I do not have the money that others have. I am not that kind of jealous. I have accepted that I earn every cent I earn and perhaps a few more, but I have not chosen a wealthy person's path in life. I know this..and I can live with this.

What chaps my ass is people who have money to burn and who expect every good and service they buy to be up to their standard EVEN IF it means the vast majority of the rest of us will no longer be able to afford things we'd like to have.

What I am getting at is that economy cars, off-brand shoes, generic brand washing powder, pre-painted plastic minis, mobile homes and staple-bound publications that may or may not smell odd...*grrr*... those may not be what everybody is striving for, but don't deny those of who can't have the best at least have something. I do not hate the wealthy. I just hate goddam snobs.

Now, look at my king,
All dressed in red
Iko-Iko an-dey
I betcha' five dollars,
He'll kill ya dead
Chakko mo fi-nah-ney

orc-related news, rants, art

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