Hey, guys, remember last year when I signed up for the
cya_ficathon and the story I had written for me was so gawd-awful I had no idea how to respond, and I had to ask for suggestions re: polite feedback when you absolutely don't know what to say? I attempted to find the fic so I could copy my feedback, which was polite, and included some very artful dancing around the bush, but the entire journal has been bahleeted! (I guess some of the other comments weren't quite as tactful as mine!)
Well, this year is completely different, and I am full of squee! My request was for a BtVS/Torchwood crossover, Xander/Captain Jack, and Sky has written a simply marvelous fic for me. It's really kind of nifty, as her style seems to be similar to my own, so I loved it! There's plot and very well done characterizations and I'm very thrilled. I haven't finished reading it quite yet (I'm saving the next chapter as a reward for after I finish the G/E 70's picnic scene, which was kind of stalled until I could figure out what kind of cheap wine went best with hash and outdoor sex - I've decided to go with bottles of cider, so will hopefully finish this bloody scene soon so I can read the rest of the fic written for meeee!)
In any event, I've loved the first three chapters I've read, so go over and read and feed this lovely person who wrote a fic for me!
I Wasn't Looking For You by