May 27, 2008 13:25
I’ve always loved reading biographies. I find them fascinating. Autobiographies are sometimes a different kettle of fish, depending upon how outgoing and honest the person is who is writing them. Well, I got a Barnes & Noble gift certificate for Christmas and decided to take a chance on Eric Clapton’s autobiography. Srsly, this is Eric Fucking Clapton! Rock god. Lover of George Harrison’s wife. Recovered drug addict. Grieving parent. I figured it pretty much had to be a good read.
Hah! It turned out to be one of the more boring books I’ve ever read. I never even finished it. He drones on and on and on . . . and makes even the scandalous stuff ho-hum. I was so disappointed. I swore to stay away from autobiographies after that.
Well, I caved. I bought John Barrowman’s autobiography, Anything Goes, and couldn’t put it down. It’s witty, laugh-out-loud funny in many places, and I really enjoyed it. It’s written in conjunction with his sister, who is an English professor (and who probably remembered some things he forgot). I loved it! So, you never can tell.
And speaking of writing: after all the crap I went through in 2007/early 2008, I’m having trouble jump-starting my muse. I signed up for a few structured writing exercises to try to get back into the swing of things, and got my assignment for CYA. It’s right up my alley, but I’m having trouble getting started. So, I also signed up for Summer of Giles. Anyone want to toss some prompts my way re: Gilesy goodness to get me started?
*bats eyelashes*