Dec 08, 2004 18:23
Still getting the hang of all this, finally found an icon I liked. I'll make my own sooner or later, most likely later. Gotta love the people kind enough to pre-make em and let ya take em.
Damn, school was shitty today. Aron died. Twelfth grader, I only met him a few times but when the announcement came on this morning I was crying with the rest of them.
At last nights basketball game he collapsed on the court.
At the end of last period today they told us the cause. Heart failure. Can't help but wonder if he was taking something....
None of the teachers gave us homework, they were too depressed about it, can't say I mind. I wouldn't be able to do it, I keep replaying the image my mind has made of what happaned. It's just like the Duracell Battery commertial, where the kid collapses on the court because of heart failure, and they revive him using the paddle thingys, that are luckily using Duracell batteries, and then you see him graduate. Well it's just like that. Only Aron won't be graduating.
Gotta get death off my mind. Seems like everything is evolving around it though. My grand-father has got some serious cancer taking over his body, and he might not make it to next Christmas.
My dad and brothers are in Lloydminister with my grandparents, they'll be there for Christmas. I might go, but plane tickets are so expensive around this time of year, and it's a four day drive. My mom won't be able to go, 'cause we can't find a Kennal that'll take Shadow, and Saan won't let het take Holidays over Christmas. I've got a feeling I won't be going, and I'm usually right. Ah well, me and mom will have X-mas together, and I'll send out the presents I've been making, all 27 of em.
Gotta study for my quiz on To Kill a Mocking Bird, it should be a breaze though, took me one day to read the book, and I've read it twice a week for the last month. Only thing I'm worried about is the symbolism part, I missed that note. Ah well, symbolism is usually pretty obvious.
I can't wait to take Profiency tests, it's always so much fun to the looks on my teachers faces when they get my marks. In fifth grade my teacher found out I could be doing, and understanding senior year of highschool work, and university in any reading, and language arts areas. Last year I was completly off the scales, hopefully I haven't dumbed myself up by not reading much...
If anyone for whatever reason is reading this, and you enjoy/are good at making the journal background thingy's I'm looking for a Spikeish themed one, or just general Buffy the Vampire Slayer stuff.
Seems like I've barely got enough time to write into my journal, good thing I type fast XD
I've got to decide what I want for X-mas. I've been hinting for a new cell phone, but I don't know what else I want yet. God, I can remember being eight and knowing exactly what I wanted, where "Santa" could get it, and for how much...Usually got what I wanted too. I'm sure I'll get what I want this year, if I can figure out what I want.
I'm gonna go see if there is a Live Journal FAQ, just so I can figure out exactly what types of graphices, icons, ect I can use.