Dec 23, 2004 02:35
It's been forever since I last posted...Time to catch up.
Okay, I ended up not going to Lloyd. I got a job instead. I work at Saan, a Canadian clothing store. I'm only part time, yet I'm working 38 hours a week. Might as well go full time, I can handle the four extra hours. Bleh, retail stinks. 7.15 an hour, and only two days off a week. Tomorrow is mid-night madness, it's going to be so busy...I'm there from 2:30-Midnight. Closing always takes longer then the time it takes to get customers out, so lets say 2:30-12:30. Ew.
Got most of my X-mas shopping done, still have to pick something else up for my mom. It's just me and her for Christmas this year, so I'm onyl getting gifts for one person. Nifty. Well, besides my friends, and that was a week ago.
Okay, I haven't been playing Animal Crossing. There is going to be a ton of weeds.
I did watch the Sixth Season of Buffy. Spuffy is spiffeh.
I've been on Neopets a ton, I've now got 95 avatars. If my old account hadn't been iced, I'd have had 156. Damn. Got the Grey avvie. I'm wanting the Island Poogle and Orange Grundo ones though.
Been working on my new pet, Sunderta, a ton. Her intelligence is amazing, and she's always in training....Speaking of, almost time for her to get out...
Man, it's almost three A.M. I'm working the graveyard shift. You'd think that I'd be sleeping. But nooo. I stay on-line until the ungodly hours of the morning.
P is still there. Not how I wanted it to go. Damn it.
A on my test, and I've re-read AMD so many times I've got the ENTIRE thing memorized. Literally. I have no life XD 'Cept for work.
Actually saw someone I knew last night, it was weird.
Bah, I'm not going to bother getting a paid account. The cell service here is horrible, I'm gonna be paying a fortune. Ah well, it'll be worth the ring tone I'll be getting...Was going to get an iPod. Just going with a MP3 player. Same niftyness, less than half the price.
Into the Breech once more...
(My mood is cold because my home is on an acerage, anf has the stupid baseboards heaters. They are all the way up, yet it's freezing in here. It IS -34....XD