or people will think I got sucked into my new tv! things are going really good here but my daughter is working on moving out.. she is gonna be graduating this year and turning 18 soon afterwards. She is keeping her name on the lease at this place as well as keeping her room just the same but-- she is growing up :( Ohh well at least she isn't getting married! Hahhhaa
I need to get ahold of
corsa_am so if anyone can remember her email please please send it to me, There is a change my little girl might be going to London next summer and she wants to find her. I want to as well!!!!
Work is going good, I haven't made candy in a long time so am getting back to it for VD day! Get ready little boy-- yes you know who you are!! There is gonna be something in the mail for you soon! :) hehehe.
ok well - god I have a really boring life huh? Thank goodness, It is nice to be boring for a while.
Have fun
cosmo1 on your vacation! Take care, have fun. and stay out of those ditches...