Why I let a strange man twist me into a pretzel

Mar 19, 2005 22:35

The "strange man" of the title is, of course, my chiropractor Dr. S. I have to say first that he's a great guy, and good at what he does. There have been times when my MD couldn't do a thing (aside from an overly-generous Vicodin prescription) and Dr. S got me back on my feet in a few visits. I just get highly skeptical when he says that spinal adjustments can relieve menstrual cramps and make uterine fibroids shrink. He also does this odd thing when he's adjusting my hips with waving his hands in the air over my torso in little slashing motions. I can't remember what the story was back when he first did it to me (or to my airspace, anyway), something about energy fields, but it had a seriously hocus-pocus vibe.

Much to my surprise, someone cancelled at the last minute yesterday, so I got in to see him an hour after I called. He did some truly frightening things to my back and neck, but I was in enough pain that anything seemed like an improvement. After a lot of clicking, crunching and popping, however, I dragged myself out of his office cursing myself for not seeing my MD first. Then, this morning, I woke up and realized I feeling a LOT better. Wow. What an incredible relief.
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