another drabble

Jan 10, 2010 02:21

Actually a double-drabble. Since I'm pretty sure no once follows this journal, I doubt anyone cares whatever the hell I say here. I highly doubt I will post this to any of the communities, since I'm not proud of this one. Still, it's an exercise in getting the creative juices flowing again. Though if anyone reads this, you're welcome to comment on it, good or bad.

I forced my iTunes to randomly pick a song, and I wrote something to match it. I actually didn't even know I had this song.

Title: [untitled]
Author/Artist: spikedtea
Character(s) or Pairing(s): America--> England
Rating: G
Wordcount: 200
Warnings: none
Summary: America trying to ask England out in Gakuen Hetalia setting 
Inspired by: "Hey Girl" (Dashboard Confessional: A Mark, A Mission, A Brand, A Scar)

Alfred bounced on his toes, hands slick from sweat.

Every rational speck told him this could never work.

Alfred jogged down the stairs.

As Alfred had very few rational specks in him, they must have been firing on all cylinders and then some if they were actually getting his attention.

He paused on the landing.

He had been eyeing the class president for weeks now. Other people had asked Alfred out, but it was hard to think of anyone else when thoughts of Arthur consumed him.

Maybe he should follow gravity’s suggestion and continue down to the bottom floor.

Alfred, the class clown. Arthur, Mister Rules and Regulations himself (at least when everyone was looking).

Alfred glanced up at the floor above him.

While Alfred’s mates all held a grudging respect for Arthur, Alfred was pretty sure Francis’s Cheshire grin meant anything but.

Alfred took a deep breath.

He had rehearsed this forever now. At least, it felt like forever. Time had always been a bit of a flexible concept for him.

Alfred bounded up the stairs.

Don’t think.

He couldn’t tell whether the pounding was from his heart or from his fists on Arthur’s door.

You only live once.

hetalia, england, fic, america, gakuen hetalia, fanfic, g, alternate universe

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