Okay, I am shocked... I wouldn't think that they would be charging that much for such cheap meat....

Feb 11, 2015 12:30

LA Health Officials Take Action After Local Supermarket Sells Raccoons As Food.
February 10, 2015 11:11 PM

TEMPLE CITY (CBSLA.com) - The Health Department has taken action after a local supermarket’s frozen foods section featured an unusual item.
Inspectors from the LA County Health Department visited the Metro Supermarket in Temple City on Tuesday, after being informed that the market was selling raccoons as food.
Employees at the market declined to appear on camera, but did show entire raccoons, frozen, bagged, and selling for $9.99 per pound. The employees say raccoon is considered a delicacy in China.
Customer Christina Dow was at the market, and upon seeing the frozen raccoons, filmed the scene on her cell phone. She shared the video on social media.
“The way it’s packaged in the store, it’s so real, and it’s so fresh, and you don’t see chickens with their feathers and blood all over them, and their expression, with their tongue hanging out,” Dow said.
Dow also went on to contact the LA County Health Department, who says that selling raccoons as food may indeed be perfectly legal, depending on the origins of the meat.
The market has ceased selling raccoons, since the department’s visit, until it and be reviewed and officially approved.
CBS2 contacted a number of local agencies, including the LA County District Attorney’s office. However, none of them were immediately able to say whether selling raccoons as food was legal or not.
Store employees say they’ve been selling raccoons for years, and never experienced any issues until now.
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