New logo stuff for my current freelance project. :) Drawing in the ornate stuff and scanning it in and converting it to vectors was fun, and a lot easier than the time I tried to draw them in illustrator from the start, which.. didn't work for me, at all. So maybe I'll be doing more scanning stuff in.
Work starts tomorrow, but I'm feeling kind of sick but I'm gonna go anyway cause it's not that bad. I hope I got in to the package design class, I turned in my free class form late and I haven't heard back like usual.
Oh and, I'm 25! Odd.
Also, today is officially the first day Ory didn't totally suck at PvP in her arena group. THREE out of the 10 matches, I was the last and only one alive, and I beat the other last remaining player for us each time. I was so proud! Because normally if I'm the only one alive, I just die because I'm too nervous to do anything right. Except normally that only happens once at most per week, not 3 times, ugh. So my arena group (which consists of Brandon and our friend Roman if I haven't mentioned before) was proud.
My parents came up for my and my mom's and brandon's birthday (eee) and I forgot to take a picture of what I made for my mom, but I painted a little daschund wearing lederhosen on a glass bottle thing and filled it with little origami stars. (My parents just got back from Germany.) Anyway, I'll take a picture of it later when I'm in san diego.