More stuff (feature spread #1) for my publication design class. My teacher went to CalArts, and is obsessed with conceptual typography & design. Dunno why stuff like that was so annoying at CalArts in the art school, and now I really like it. Maybe it's because he doesn't use that calarts brand BS-speak. It was its own language, if you didn't learn it, you were in the wrong place. And because they used the word "conceptual" more often than they said anything that meant something.
Anyway, I have a strange relationship with graphic design right now, I do what I can and I don't know what that is, and I enjoy myself and I can spend forever looking at my screen but I don't ever really know what I'm doing. I ignore the grid structure he goes on about, for the most part. And I take notebooks upon notebooks of notes in class and still I feel like I'm just playing around. Right now I have 3 different notebooks, and everyday in class I have a different one, and this annoys my obsessive compulsive side, and I want to copy everything from the other two into one of them so it's all in one place but that still wouldn't be good enough because they're not in chronological order so maybe if I had a fourth one.
I have been meaning to start a little garden for a few months too, but haven't, and so instead I've been making more and more terrariums inside my house. And I like them, but I hope they don't die, most plants of mine do. I'm afraid of all the yardwork I should do because of the spiders. There are so many of them, there is an ivy covered wall that's pretty but tons of them live in there, and whoever did the yard before put pots inside of pots inside of more pots so that in between each one there are more spiders and I have found more disgusting egg sacks back there than is anywhere near normal. Plum was telling me about how much he hates spiders, and that one time he was just about to go to sleep, and then he saw a huge spider on his pillow, and then his power went out. I laughed at him. But really. That's just horrible.
I bought Zephyr some kitty grass and he almost ate the whole thing while Boba looked at him like he was some kind of alien (UMMM, THATS NOT FOOD.) I bought him the kitty grass because he kept trying to eat my little cacti. I specifically bought terrariums that he wouldn't be able to fit his head into, but I still see him try. It is funny.