And Where To Start?

Aug 28, 2006 22:24

   Well where to start? I dont have a once of motivation to wake up in the morning. I really need to get back into school and get a job that can actually be useful to me in the long run, because I already know that the shop isnt that job. There are so many different reasons I know I need to get out of there for, however; I need to find a different job before I can actually leave there and start school back up...which I am actually interested in doing. I already know what I hated so much about school, but the positives will outweight the negitives.
   I had to call in sick to work today, not because I was actually sick but it was the only way I could get down to the DMV and then CPCC to find out what I need to do in order to get registered for the next semester. I need to still find out what kind of Financial Aid I would be able to get and I need to get ahold of someone at ECPI about getting my transscripts sent to CPCC.

P.S. I really wish I had some vacation time right now, so I could get my head on straight and get everything straightened out. I havn't had "vacation time" or time away from school/work since early 2003 >.< yea...that sux!
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