OOC: Application repost

Dec 08, 2008 12:55

Whoops lol, should've done this first derp

In-Character Information
Name: Lakilester SPIKE.
Game/Series: Paper Mario
Age & Grade Level: 17, Junior

Personality: The ultimate “cool guy” who doesn’t necessarily come off as cool to every person he meets. Some would say he tries too hard, others might say the era he’s living in is dead, but none of it matters to Lakilester since this is his identity and he’s sticking with it.

At one point in time he had a penchant for going around picking fights and trying to look tough by doing so, but after being set straight by Mario and his friends, he no longer relies on his “fists” to do the talking. He’s not a pacifist per se, but he’ll avoid confrontation when possible on the basis that getting into a fight will make him look like an ass win or lose; besides, his higher goal in life revolves around something along the lines of world peace. He’s all about being cool, but hey, it’s very uncool to beat up people you’re stronger than.

That being said, he’s not afraid to stand up for his friends, and is quicker to take action against the offenders than most of them (old habits die hard). Lakilester isn’t the strongest fighter around, in fact his species isn’t suited for direct combat at all, really, but sometimes just putting a foot down gets the message across. He’ll readily accept defeat when it’s obvious he’s outmatched, and even in friendly spars on even ground, but doesn’t take kindly to those who flaunt their ability or belittle him for his lack thereof.

Not the type to immediately jump to violence, Lakilester doesn’t let most personal insults get to him and instead brushes them off with the assumption the other person’s either jealous or insecure. He’s not afraid to speak his mind, and may say the wrong thing at the wrong time without having considered the consequences, but his heart’s (usually) in the right place. So he may come off as a bit of a doof, trying to act cool but not really intimidating others in order to do so.

All in all Lakilester fits the bill of villain-turned-ally, a tough Lakitu with a real bad boy image who’s turned over a new leaf; “seen the light,” if you will. He has a girlfriend and admittedly she walks all over him he hasn’t tested her devotion once yet. A bit of a softie? Perhaps, though he’d never admit it. As much as he may look like a troublemaker, Lakilester’s determined to keep his nose clean as per the promise he made to Mario. So he may have a lot to prove, especially to those who think they’ll have him pegged the moment he shows up, but a little setback like bias won’t stop him from doing what he feels like doing.

Backstory: Lakilester’s aim in life was always to “be part of something big,” to take part in something that everyone would remember him for, and this has been the driving force in his decision-making processes. The fact that Lakilester dresses and behaves strangely compared to most other Lakitu just reinforces the idea that he wants to be different. So he’s made quite a name for himself around Flower Fields. But places as secluded and thus uneventful as Flower Fields don’t tend to draw a lot of attention, and that means when that one earth-shattering event does take place, everybody notices.

Well not so much everybody, just everybody in Flower Fields. And the few who flee through Wise Wisterwood to alert the outside world of the terrible incident. This hypothetical “terrible incident” was the literal forcing of the sentient Sun to descend from his place in the heavens as a thick layer of suffocating clouds consumed the sky. Lacking the sunlight necessary for their health, the (also sentient) flowers populating Flower Fields grew weak. The source of the clouds, a crude machine guarded by a group of Lakitu, was along with its sentries monitored by the cloud monster Huff N’ Puff. Huff N’ Puff’s duty as issued by King Bowser was to keep Klevar, the sixth Star Spirit, out of Mario’s hands, and accomplished this by having the Puff Puff Machine pump a steady stream of clouds into the sky. This would prevent Mario from growing a beanstalk to reach Huff N’ Puff’s location in Cloudy Climb, above Flower Fields.

Even in their withered state, some of the flowers were still ready and willing to gossip, and news traveled fast about Huff N’ Puff’s arrival and the organization of his troops. Magikoopas from Bowser’s army, Ruff Puffs, and some of the native Lakitu made up the brunt of the behemoth Ruff Puff’s forces, and once word reached Lakilester he was all over that scene. His girlfriend wasn’t particularly fond of his decision, but she promised to dutifully wait for him as he went off and did whatever it was he was supposed to do. Huff N’ Puff’s orders for his unusual Lakitu underling were to keep an eye out for a guy named Mario, and to take him out once he showed up - finally he was hitting the big time, he had to’ve been if he was getting specialized instructions like this! Lakilester enthusiastically began scouring Flower Fields for a squat mustached man in a red shirt and overalls, certain he was on his way to bigger and better things.

And he was, just not in the way he first expected. On his return trip from a short-lived conversation with the listless Sun Mario was engaged by Lakilester in man-to-man combat, and with the help of his friends made quick work of the shades-wearing Lakitu. Ego thoroughly deflated, Lakilester conceded and voiced his willingness to accept his surely horrific “fate” when Lakilulu swooped in to defend her poor, misguided boyfriend and beg on his behalf for Mario’s forgiveness. The understanding plumber was more than willing to let Lakilester off the hook (especially considering there was none), and equally willing to divulge to him his answer to Lakilester’s question, “What in the world are you doing all this fighting for?”

For myself
>> For world peace
No reason
Why Spike?

Impressed by the charisma embodying Mario’s response, Lakilester vowed to use his own powers for the greater good as well, and lickety-split dropped Huff N’ Puff’s troop in favor of joining Mario and his ragtag band of normal folk-turned-adventurers. After laying the smackdown on his former boss and rescuing Klevar, Lakilester set off with Mario and his friends to find Kalmar and reunite the seven Star Spirits. It meant abandoning Lakilulu again, but as patient and yandere as ever she promised to wait for his triumphant return as a manlier Lakitu or else.

Lakilester had more than enough incentive to get all his ducks in a row by that point, and he would not disappoint by the time he came back. His return was indeed triumphant, considering he’d had a hand in defeating Bowser, rescuing Princess Peach and a few Star Spirits and saving all of the Mushroom Kingdom and the wishes of everybody in it. In addition to being much more manly after his adventure, Lakilester was also much more worldly, and took a liking to venturing outside Flower Fields with his sweetheart to explore Toad Town and its neighboring villages. He kept in touch with the friends he’d made along the way (hi fellow party members), as life for the most part had returned to normal, but couldn’t help but feel that something was missing…

Well, it was no surprise what it was - action, adventure, intrigue and all that cool stuff - but nothing of interest was happening for him to stick his nose into. Until like always, he picked up on a little something the Bub-Ulbs called “SumaBura Gakuen.” (Not to say he didn’t humor Tolielip and also listen to his fibs, just to glean more backwards info.) Even more interesting, some of the folks who’d been traveling with Mario were attending, including Mario himself, and apparently enjoying (and not enjoying) all sorts of crazy things. Like not being suffocated by their girlfriends. Never having had that kind of formal education, and looking for super fun times going hand-in-hand with building up his “muscles” to impress Lakilulu, Lakilester concluded that he would check out this prestigious fighting school and get in on some of the action he’d been missing out on.

Anything Else?:
- Has been going by Spike ever since way back when, the name’s stuck okay. He is Spike. NOT LAKILESTER.
- Is also still totally loyal to Lakilulu. Though just because she’s his one and only doesn’t mean he can’t at least let his eyes wander, especially when she’s not around to see it fufu
- Isn’t particularly tall in his Lakitu form, even with his cloud, because lol
- Sunglasses. I guess I’ll be canon and say they have red rimz even though that’s seriously not very masculine

In-Character Example Post:
Yo Smabra, got room for one more? The name’s Spike, coolest Lakitu you’ll ever meet! And if you want proof, go ask Mario, I’m good pals with the guy. I helped him save the Star Spirits y’know. Meaning I helped save the world, and man I don’t know what gets more manly than that!

So I heard this place rocks as a fighting school and everywhere else it’s kinda off the wall. Like some of the teachers are nuts. Hehe, yeah well, nothing I can’t handle. There’s a reason people back home call me Lakilester the Great! ......I mean Spike!

ooc, app post

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