New Vid! Spike/Buffy - Feed On Me (Judas Priest)

May 25, 2013 20:37

Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Season Six)
Pairing: Spike/Buffy
Warnings: Sex and violence, but no more than seen in the show
Song: Feed On Me by Judas Priest
Description: A look at the Spike/Buffy dynamic through the majority of the sixth season, Buffy "feeding" off of Spike to make her pain lessen, etc.
Notes: Spoilers for the sixth season up to "As You Were" (Episode 15). I also used some dailies from 'Smashed', Doublemeat Palace' , 'Dead Things', and 'As You Were'.

Direct Youtube Link:

Streaming below the cut

spuffy, spike/buffy

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