lato spike'a: dzień 2

Jun 15, 2010 16:49

William chronologicznie. Cytaty niekoniecznie muszą pochodzić dokładnie z tych scen, które opisują, bardziej na zasadzie skojarzeń. Wybór wybitnie subiektywny.

Early one morning, just as the sun was shining, I heard a maid sing in the valley below..

It's a perfectly perfect word as many words go but the bother is nothing rhymes, you see.

I know I'm a bad poet but I'm a good man

You walk in worlds the others can't begin to imagine.

I see what you want. Something glowing and glistening. Something... effulgent.

Dru...we'll bring this world to its knees.

Think of it. No more sickness. No more dying. You'll never age another day. Let me do this for you.

It will only hurt for a moment.

Look what I made. It's called Willy.

So, instead of just feeding off of this William... you went and turned him into one of us. Another rooster in the henhouse.

Well, you're new... and a little dim. So let me explain to you how things are now. There's no belonging or deserving anymore. You can take what you want, have what you want... but nothing is yours

Come on. When was the last time you unleashed it? All out fight in a mob, back against the wall, nothing but fists and fangs?

In that wagon is your family.  Your wife and daughters will die tonight without my protection. But if you'll do as I say, your family can live.

Just like I pictured it. This good for you?

Oh, Spike, look at the wonderful mess you've made.

That was the best night of my life.

Don't ever go to a "free virgin blood" party. Turns out it's probably a trap.

By the the coat.

She was cunning, resourceful... oh, did I mention? Hot. I could have danced all night with that one.

Every Slayer... has a death wish.

ats: sezon 2, btvs: sezon 7, cytat, picspam, ats: sezon 5, btvs: sezon 5

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