This month has been crazy. It's not over and I'm not sure how much more I can handle.
- My cell phone is STILL BROKEN.
- Aaron too me to Bloom with him and I spent Cara's birthday at the Fair with her and Amanda.
- Mom has cancer again. This time in her ribs.
- My crazy Puerto Rican roommate, Amaris, drove me straight to counseling to avoid ripping her hair out.
- My loans got screwed up. [Fixed them]
- I lost $200. [Found it eventually]
- Natalie had an explosive episode.
- I am doomed. IED here I come.
- Mental breakdown.
- Chris is suddenly talking to me again.
- Amaris moved out!
- Brenna and I made her bed into a fort.
- Priest & Worstall came over. Worstall can cook?!
- Mom doesn't have cancer again!
- English papers.
- Anita Padula. Graphic Design.
- Studio projects.
- I spent last weekend at Alyshia's with her, Adam, & Joe.
- Jeremiah and Kristen broke up. WHAT THE FUCK?!
- Mom still MIGHT have cancer.
Still to come:
- Spending this weekend at my cousin Kimberly's school in NYC-during which we are going to my cousin Simon's school in upstate NY.
- Graphic Design poster #2 due Monday.
- Bio lab quiz on Tuesday.
- Graphic Design poster #3 due Wednesday.
- Outline and sources due for English paper.
- More studio projects and side assignments.
- Next Friday [Oct. 30th] - Rocky Horror at the theatre in Brenna's town. She's Janet. Brian might be Brad.
- Halloween- Big costume party at Mike's. Kegger.
That brings me to the end of October when hopefully the madness will die down. =/
It's almost 2:30AM and I just finished a cup of coffee.
This thing with my mom having cancer again. I don't even know what to think. She had a pain in her ribs all last month and finally got it checked out in the beginning of the month. She called and told me they said they were pretty sure she had cancer again. I was a complete wreck. Five or six days later, she calls to let me know that nothing showed up in the PET scan so they were then pretty sure she did NOT have cancer and she canceled her biopsy. I don't remember the last time I was that happy. TODAY she called to tell me she made an appointment with the bone doctor and is going for a biopsy next week because it could be bone cancer and that supposedly wouldn't show up in the PET scan. So I don't know what's going on until the results come back and it's driving me insane. It's constantly in the back of my mind and it really sucks.
Also today, dad told me not to drive Brenna's car anymore. Why? Because he had a dream that I ran a lady over..
Everything in the apartment is pretty good. Amaris is gone for good and it's wonderful. I came up with the greatest idea around 4:30 in the morning the night she left. Shawn came down around 5AM and helped me lift Brenna's bed up to bunk it over the empty one. We hung sheets around the bottom one and deemed it our fort. We didn't have a kitchen table for a while because the school was providing us with a brand new one. It finally came 2 weeks or so ago. We were supposed to get it the 2nd week of September. It's alright though. We have it now and I spend a great deal of my time there sketching, eating, and sketching some more.
Let's see.. what else.. Brenna and I have become professional dining hall food smugglers. I really miss Christy [my roommate last year]. Shawn pretty much lives here. He comes over around 10 or 11 almost every night & we all pick a movie or cook food. It's nice. It's the only relaxing part of my hectic days. I have class from 6:30-9:20 every night except Fridays. It blows. Graphic Design on Mondays and Wednesdays. Studio Art on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So many projects. My GD class is starting to feel like an advertising agency. [not that that's a bad thing] We have different posters due every week and spend a good portion of class sitting at the conference table in the middle of the mac lab talking about our sketches and different ideas. I like it, but it's a lot of work. I hate English. I wrote my first paper, a cultural autobiography, on Intermittent Explosive Disorder. My second paper is in progress and it's on emotional abuse. Researching for both papers is teaching me a lot, as is counseling, about my dad and my [semi-non-existant] relationship with him.
I actually have to cut this short because my laptop needs to be plugged in. 16 minutes of battery life left.