Jun 24, 2008 19:26
There was I thinking that I would never post here due to my lack of witty dialogue or ability to write, when my husband (who's currently working from home), decides to get into a hissy fit and prompts me to come here and let off some steam!
So, I've been off the past two days with a dodgy stomach, sitting at home feeling sorry for myself - along with perhaps catching up with all you wonderful ljers. He's been supposedly working today, but has mostly been playing Indiana Jones on our Wii for the past 6, no nearly 7 hours.
He'd agreed to cook tonight, but as soon as he saw he had to do a bit of washing up he finds something to nag me about (yes, nagging does apply to men, especially when they're being prissy) and is now banging and crashing around in the kitchen cooking, and probably will be sulking for the majority of the night....joy.
So, question to anyone out there bored enough to answer - do you live with someone who ya love to pieces, but just gets royally on your tits on occasion?!?
there, I feel mildy better now.