Money lent is money spent

Nov 14, 2021 23:53

A few years ago a friend of mine was whining at me about some money he had lent a mutual acquaintance. I can't remember if I ever knew who the acquaintance was, or how much it was, or for what.

I didn't care. And I told him as much. I told him I had "lent" a ridiculous amount of money to friends over the years. Thousands, to be honest. Even when I hadn't been working and had no income, and paying my mortgage or grocery bill was tricky.

But these friends were in trouble. I had the means at the time to help. So I did. Rent money, groceries, nicotine patches, gas money, whatever.

But here's the thing. If I was in a position to help, I was in a position to never see that money again.

Even the one that worked hard to humiliate me once upon a time.
Even the one that fucked me over for income.
Even the one that talked shit about me to mutual friends.

Money lent is money spent. Never expect anything for it or any of it back. You're not buying anything, you're helping someone you know when no-one else would. And someone who really needs it.
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