Mar 21, 2006 09:46
I've decided to try and make a note of the different kinds of birds - of the feathered variety - that I/we spot in the garden, especially after Mum feeds them.
This morning we saw:
Starlings - lots of em, which is normal
Sparrows - 3 or 4, which is good as we don't see that many.
Pigeon/Collared Dove - a few, again normal.
Green Finch - or at least we think it was.
Magpie - One (sometimes there's a pair).
Blackbird (Female).
Rook/Raven/Crow. - To be honest we're not exactly sure as we didn't get the best look at it, and we're not really sure of the differences but it was definitely a sizeable bird, all black (inc its beak).
So I make that 5 different species of bird. Not bad going for a Monday morning ;o)
garden birds